
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Full Circles: Aunt Else's Æbleskiver

Æbleskiver (Danish Ball Pancakes)

"If I'm going to have a business, I want to use and highlight . . . hi, sweetheart . . . what we have here and I think that's important."

There's little doubt as to what Chad Gillard considers important. I had reached the co-owner of Aunt Else's Æbleskiver, a fledgling Minneapolis specialty-food company, on his way home from work and as we discussed the firm's commitment to using local sources, a child's faint yet unmistakably excited shout came over the line. Without missing a beat, Chad neatly slipped the little endearment in the middle of his sentence - after all, answering a blogger's questions isn't nearly as important as greeting your little girl when she welcomes you home.

Chad Gillard, President of Aunt Else's Æbleskiver
 and Æbleskiver Daddy
This small snippet is one moment in the life of Æbleskiver Daddy, as Chad calls his blog - an apt name for someone who has deftly folded his family life and an entrepreneurial endeavor into a generations-old recipe for a Danish pastry with a singular name and universal appeal.

You Say 'Skiver, I Say 'Skwyr

A-bell-ski . . . ah-bless-kiv . . . eh-bluh . . . Thank goodness æbleskiver are a lot easier to eat than they are to pronounce. "Depending on where you're from in Denmark, [EB-el-ski-ver] is a perfectly fine pronunciation. We say [EB-el-sku-wyr]," explained Chad. "People say them both ways - you can't go wrong."

Indeed, it's hard to go wrong with a food that is (name notwithstanding) simplicity itself: a batter of flour, eggs, buttermilk, and a few other ingredients, is poured into deep, circular wells of a specially-shaped pan to make what are basically pancake balls, which are then topped with powdered sugar, jams or syrup. But simplicity doesn't necessarily mean simple; when Chad first heard about æbleskiver and how they were made, he was a bit perplexed. "The way [it was described to me], I was like, 'I don't get it'," he recalled with a laugh. "I had never heard of it before and I couldn't imagine how it was going to work."

Making 'skivers at the Mill City Farmers' Market

Puzzlement turned into total fascination, however, the moment he saw it done. The introduction came from close friend and co-worker Sarah Engwall, who wanted to make for the Gillard kids a special Danish treat that she had enjoyed as a child. "She came over and the kids loved them, and as much as they loved them, I loved how they were made. I let her make one pan and I shoved her out of the way of the stove and have been making them ever since."

[Watch as Chad demonstrates proper æbleskiver technique!]

As it turned out, Chad had been mulling ideas for a food booth at the Minnesota State Fair and told Sarah that æbleskiver would be perfect. "She just kind of laughed and said, 'Well, my mom and aunt have always thought it would be fun to get into the State Fair'," he said. Soon after, Sarah introduced him to her mother, Linda Engwall, and her aunt, Lisa Timek, and together they created Aunt Else's Æbleskiver in 2008.

Armed with a recipe from Linda and Lisa's aunt Else Andersen Jacobsen and a couple of æbleskiver-pande (pans) handed down through the women's family, Chad and his co-owners started making the pastries at local festivals and fairs. After receiving enthusiastic responses to the scrumptious little spheres, they decided to package the mix and sell the pans as well. Just over a year later, Aunt Else's Æbleskiver has become a fixture at the Mill City Farmer's Market, had its products demonstrated at the Minnesota State Fair, and now offers through their website Aunt Else's recipe mix and a local foundry-cast pan of their own design. That's quite a list of accomplishments since Sarah first turned out those little pancake puffs for the Gillard family, but Chad and his partners are keeping the pace steady and noted, "We've been figuring it out as things unfold, trying to be cautious because of the [economy] and taking things a step at a time."

Carrying on Aunt Else's legacy - Lisa, Amanda and Sarah

Whereas the story of Aunt Else's Æbleskiver roots is as solid as the cast-iron pans handed down through generations of a Danish-Minnesotan family, those regarding the origins of æbleskiver in Denmark are as light and fluffy as the pastries themselves.

Viking Tales or Just a 'Krok'?

One apocryphal tale put forth by Arne Hansen, former owner of Solvang Restaurant ('Home of Arne's Famous Æbleskiver') in Solvang, CA, surmised that weary Vikings looking for sustenance after a hard day of marauding used their battered shields to cook up some, er, batter. Yet another account comes from writer Marlene Parrish, who noted the strong resemblance between æbleskiver and a favorite Thai street snack:
"Across the world in Thailand, the identical pan is used in markets to make a grab-and-go savory breakfast food called kanom krok . . . So how do you suppose both Denmark and Thailand lay claim to the skillet-pan?"
(read the full article, The Pan Where East Meets West) 

(Kanom krok, photo from Enjoy Thai Food)
Parrish theorized that a 17th-century Danish missionary brought home a krok pan and, in an attempt to re-create the morsels without rice flour and coconut milk, came up with a wheat flour and buttermilk recipe resulting in æbleskiver. In fact, doppelgängers can be found throughout the global culinary scene, ranging from the aforementioned Thai kanom krok to Japanese octopus-filled takoyaki, Indian lentil-based ponganalu and paniyaram,  and Dutch poffertjes, which were supposedly used by an abbey as a Communion host and thereafter called 'little friars' (possibly explaining the æbleskiver-pande's other name - 'monk's pan'). [sources: Wikipedia,]

Whatever their provenance, these particular pan-baked puffs have been a special occasion staple since the 1600s in Denmark, where they are traditionally served during Christmas and Easter holidays. Holding a dear place in the hearts (and appetites) of Danes all over the world, the pancake balls are Danish to the core - as in apple cores. Æbleskiver is the Danish word for 'apple slices', referring to the chunks of said fruit customarily added to their center. But as with many foods that have migrated to different lands and cultures, æbleskiver have found a new home, new flavors and new meaning in America.

All in the Family

"As the Danes brought the tradition over, it really has become a family event - [not just during holidays but] anytime the family is together," explained Chad, adding that he often meets Danish-Americans who are surprised and delighted to find æbleskiver outside of its ethnic setting. "They'll say, 'I have never seen anyone make this outside of my grandma's or aunt's kitchen.' People are always really excited to share how to eat them. Everybody has their own way that they like to eat them."

Just as they are no longer reserved for special occasions, the many ways to eat æbleskiver have ventured beyond traditional apple fillings and powdered sugar toppings. At their Mill City Farmers' Market booth, the crew of Aunt Else's Æbleskiver have spiced up the apple with cinnamon and chai, or swapped it for blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. Savory centers have included bison sausage and bacon'n'cheddar, while many a sweet tooth have surely been satisfied by 'skivers filled with peanut butter cups or topped with ginger syrup. And of course, there are the different variations found throughout the world.

But for all the variety that æbleskiver offer for individual tastes, its true appeal lies in the universal theme of family togetherness that all of us can recognize. Chad is as enthusiastic about the pancake balls as Sarah, Linda and Lisa, even though his Irish heritage doesn't hold the same connections as his Danish-American partners. But making æbleskiver, he said, is also about making new connections and memories. "It's very meaningful to Danes but I love how their tradition of sharing it with those who are important to them translates to us," said Chad. "In our house, we [now have] 'Skiver Saturday and it's turned into a tradition."

"I feel like I'm sparking [in the kids] a lifelong interest of cooking which I grew up with," he continued, recounting how his 5-year-old son has gradually moved up in the æbleskiver process, first helping to break the eggs and mix the batter, then choosing toppings and now, rolling the puffs in powdered sugar. His ultimate goal: to turn the puffs in the pan. "He's too young yet," said Chad. "But he says, 'Dad! I'm going to help you make æbleskiver, then I can buy my own æbleski-van" (referring to his father's company-emblazoned vehicle).

For the partners of Aunt Else's Æbleskiver, the business is an extension of their families but they also want it to be a reflection of their community. From the beginning, they were determined to incorporate local sources - the æbleskiver mix is made with organic Minnesota wheat and Wisconsin buttermilk, while their own uniquely-designed pans are cast at a Minneapolis foundry. "We realized that we have this great hundred-year old recipe and the new thing that we're doing is making it organic and local," said Chad. "As soon as I uttered that for the first time, [I thought] 'Y'know what? That's not new.' That's how things were when they made this recipe."

 "We're really coming full circle." And a delicious one at that.

Simply æbleskiver

Ready, Willing and Æbleskiver

[Disclosure: Per the recent FTC ruling regarding free products and bloggers' reviews, I hereby declare having received an Aunt Else's Æbleskiver pan and mix free of charge - and I'm not giving them back!]

"If an Irishman [like me] can make these, anybody can!" Chad declared. How about a pancake-loving Filipina blogger? You betcha.

I first read about æbleskiver in a post by Heather of Diary of A Fanatic Foodie, then came across another at Scate Bakes' site. To my delighted surprise, Chad e-mailed me after reading my comment on Scate's post and offered to send me Aunt Else's Æbleskiver's newly-designed pan. Needless to say, I accepted with gleeful anticipation. Before receiving the pan, I went to the Mill City Farmers' Market to watch the Aunt Else's Æbleskiver crew in action; their deft and effortless turning of those pancake balls was so much fun to watch. Unfortunately, in thinking it looked so easy, I embarked on my first batch with a wee bit of overconfidence.

When the æbleskiver-pande finally arrived, it was love at first sight: a gorgeous piece of cast-iron cookware that's simple in design and substantive of weight. It's easy to see how, with loving care, it can become a treasured family heirloom. I was so eager to try it that I gave short shrift to the accompanying instructions to season the pan before first use. As a result, my initial attempt at æbleskiver-ing was a total fail, yielding pale, squishy ovoids instead of the golden pancake balls I saw at the market. Thankfully, Chad assured me that it gets easier with each batch and he emphasized the keys to success:

- Season the pan well. Properly prepping the pan before your first batch is critical to achieving the almost-nonstick quality of aged pans;
- Heat up the pan completely before pouring the batter. It takes a while as it's done over low-medium heat (you don't want to burn your ba - I mean, your puffs) but it will ensure a lovely golden color and help prevent sticking;
- Make æbleskiver as often as you can! Is that really a hardship?

I'm happy to report that my æbleskiver are now recognizable as such. I started with plain and apple-filled pancake balls, but now that I'm more confident about the technique, I plan to try out new flavors (red bean! octopus! adobo!)

So stay tuned for more æbleskiver adventures . . . !

My take on toppings: creamy vanilla yogurt and wild huckleberry jam

Wanna 'Skiver?

If you're craving æbleskiver, please visit Aunt Else's Æbleskiver for more details on purchasing their pans and mixes.

Or head over to Zoe Bakes - she's giving away a complete Aunt Else's Æbleskiver kit! Hurry - I'm not sure when the giveaway ends! [UPDATE: Zoe's giveaway winner was Jaime of Sophistimom. Congratulations and happy 'skivering!]

Velbekomme! (Have a good meal!)


  1. I love learning about similar foods from different cultures. Every time I see aebleskivers, they look incredible and I still haven't tried one! The huckleberry jam looks delicious on top.

  2. I agree with Lisaiscooking, love learning, and that pan...I wonder if I have room for one in my cabinet :)

    I would love a bite of yours with the jam!

  3. Wow!!!

    What an awesome post!!

    I've seen these very occasionally... but never with the detail of your post. I feel like I could totally (try to) make them now!!

  4. I've never seen nor heard of these before - but they sure look good! Such a great, detailed post - thanks for sharing (and for the tip about the giveaway - might just have to try to make some aebleskivers of my own!).

  5. I remember seeing these once on The show Best Thing I Ever Ate. Aaron Sanchez chose this as one of his favs. I found to be the neatest thing ever.

    That's so cool. Yours came out pretty good. I'd love to try something like that. Plus they look fun to make as equally as they are to eat.

  6. I enjoyed this post! I've thought about buying a pan, but then I'd end up eating all those delicious little donuts!! LOL

  7. What a fun post! I've just reviewed The Scandinavian Cookbook and am looking forward to eating æbleskiver the week before Christmas in Gothenburg, Sweden. And then I can use your recipe afterward to satisfy any cravings for them!

  8. Great post,I've been toying with getting an aebleskiver pan but I just don't have the room for another specialty kitchen device. But they look so good! Heh.

  9. I never made aebleskiver, always want to make it since along time. I always forget... I shouldn't wait. But, first got to go and by the pan. Your aebleskiver look so good.

  10. Again, I learn so much from you. Never heard of aebleskiver, but do they ever look tasty, and the pan is really cute! Thank you for teaching and sharing!

  11. i love aebleskiver pancakes! they're so much fun to fill! these look delicious!

  12. My sister is CRAZY about Ebleskivers! Seriously, downright crazy! Not a bad thing to be crazy about though, if I do say so myself.

  13. You're always giving us a good dose of education, which is appreciated. These have popped up on a few blogs, and it's always cool to see the variations. It'd be awesome to get our mitts on one of those pans!

  14. Noodle -- what a great post! I love the history about it (and I was amused to see the Thai link, because when I saw the picture before reading, I thought it looked like something I had in Thailand).
    Beautiful writing and your pan looks so lovely. I covet fun kitchen implements =)

  15. I love reading your post. I really enjoy your writing.That little ball looks amazing:)

  16. These æbleskiver balls look so cute.

  17. These look delish! I have never made them before. Thanks for stoppin' by my blog, too!

  18. great story and they look like delicious little cuties!

  19. Great profile, Noodle :) And I was about to make fun saying you didn't make those perfect ebselkivers but then I find out that you indeed did! I'm so impressed!!

    I'm all for disclosure but in practice I find that it knocks the wind out of a post in the middle :/

  20. They look absolutely beautiful. Never knew about them. Thanks for sharing :)

  21. I simply must get one of those pans today - that is soooo cool!

  22. I had so many while studing in Amsterdam! My Danish friends used to serve them with lots of powdered sugar and strawberry jam and when Christmas was coming up with lots of glögg, tea and coffee...

  23. That is one terrific pan any of us foodies would love to have! I loved learning more about æbleskivers! I still have never tasted one, maybe someday soon we'll get to travel to Denmark or maybe I'll get that pan :) My daughter is into all Viking things now so she would totally love this treat!

  24. Sneaking a few moments between class projects!

    Lisa - I wonder if these similarities are all due to colonization/migration? More research is called for . . . a good excuse to make takoyaki, kanom, etc.! 8-)

    Chef E - I MADE room in my cabinet! 8-) It's not a pan that I would've put at the top of my list but once I started using it, I couldn't stop. It's a lot of fun and Chad says he uses it for making eggs. Imagine the possibilities . . .!

    Spryte - Oh, I hope you do! I don't think I've ever had so much fun making pancakes. I made so much, I had to freeze the rest but popped into the toaster oven, and they re-heat beautifully!

    ValleyWriter - I came across the giveaway just before I posted so I hope you were able to sign up. Heather/Diary of a Fanatic Foodie was the first place I'd heard of aebleskivers but now, I'm addicted!

    Jenn - They really are fun to make and eat! I want to try takoyaki (w/ocotopus) and the ones made with rice flour. But I'm going to keep practicing - the ones made by the folks at Aunt Else's are PERFECTLY round!

    Karen - Thank you! I hope this convinces you to buy a pan but you're right - they are addictive in the best and tastiest possible way!

    Helen - Yes! I saw the title but haven't read the full review yet. Please be sure to let me know what your aebleskiver experience is like in Sweden - wow, you're all over the world this fall/winter! 8-D

    Bob - Thank you! I know what you mean - this pan wasn't on the top of my list, no matter how much I found it so fascinating. But now that I have it, I look forward to using it every weekend!

    Elra - I've only known about aebleskiver since this spring and now, I'm thinking about all the variations of fillings possible. I haven't seen the pans at stores so I don't know how they compare but AE's are absolutely sturdy cast-iron and, as I understand, the only one that has 9 wells. Most others are only 7 . . .

    Palidor - So glad you enjoyed this post! The pan is awesome although I had to season it twice b/c I was lazy the first time and did it halfway. 8-P I had a lot of fun learning the technique!

    Heather - Thank you so much for introducing them! I still remember coming to the post and wondering how they were made and pronounced! And, when I don't have AE's mix on hand, I'm relying on your recipe to make these whenever craving strikes!8-)

  25. Fahrenheit 350 - These are definitely crazy good! Does your sister have any suggestions for different fillings or toppings? I'd love to know . . . !

    Duo Dishes - I hope you do get your mitts on one: I'd love to see what you come up with variations (something w/sweet potato, please!)

    Michele - Oh, how did you like the Thai kanom krok? I want to try making it but I don't know what it's supposed to taste like (so I don't know if I do it right!) This pan is going to be a Noodle heirloom someday! 8-D

    Erica - Thank you! I enjoy doing these posts but the ball pancakes were some of the most fun.

    KennyT - They are cute but that doesn't stop me from tearing into them! 8-) Have you tried takoyaki or kanom krok? They're going to be my next attempt!

    Jessica - I enjoyed your blog and hope to visit often!

    Peggy - Thank you! I plan to explore the family history of Lisa, Linda and Sarah: I want to know about the woman behind the name - Aunt Else! Stay tuned . . .

    Manggy - Thank you! But these were my second attempt; the first were really sad-looking. As for the disclosure, I added it as my little passive-aggressive commentary on yesterday's FTC ruling about bloggers declaring compensation. Fight the power! 8-D

    Bethany - Thanks! I'm getting the hang of it; I'll keep practicing until they are perfect little spheres!

    Gaby - It is such an awesome pan! It seems like a one-use piece but with a little creativity, who knows what could be done in it! Now that you're a culinary grad, perhaps you can come up with something? 8-)

    Mariana - That sounds wonderful! Now that I know how to make them, I don't think I could just limit myself to holidays - they're too fun to make and tasty to eat!

    5 Star Foodie - Aeblskiver-making is such fun and I know your daughter would be hooked! I hope you'll consider the pan but of course, going to Denmark and eating them there would be even better . . .

  26. ok, that photo with the vanilla yogurt and wild huckleberry jam looks absolutely my type!

  27. Those little pancakes are to die for. So cute and your photography is outstanding (as always).

  28. Wow. Gorgeous as always and so comprehensive! I love watching them being flipped in their little pan and now, of course, I want one for myself. Even though I have no room in my kitchen for another pan, my boys would love them. Better than doughnuts any day. :)

  29. Love the post, the history/info and of course, teh ebleskiver!

  30. I usually sample one of these or something similar at my Sunday Far,ers market in Hollywood. It's fun to watch them make them in a giant pan. This home style looks tempting to try... GREG

  31. These Danish pancakes look gorgeous, never tasted or heard the name Æbleskiver I'd like to try them soon :)



  32. Wow, nice job on the aebleskiver, TN! I'm imagining one filled with a reese's peanut butter cup as I write this :) And yes, they totally remind me of takoyaki, even the pan and the cooking method looks the same.

  33. The weekend is almost here!

    MrsLavendula - It was tasty! I might start putting yogurt on my flat pancakes, too. 8-)

    Sam - Thank you! I thought they'd taste better than they'd photograph but all turned out well.

    Lisa - Definitely better than doughnuts - no swimming in oil! I know what you mean about space so I'm going to try Chad's suggestion to make other things, such as omelettes, in them. This is definitely a kid-fun piece of cookware!

    Hornsfan - Thank you! Now, I'm trying to find out more about the other versions - getting a lot of good use with this pan!

    Greg - After watching them being made the first time, I was hooked. I'm determined to really master the technique!

    Gera - I'm not very familiar with Scandinavian cuisine so this is a sweet introduction!

    Phyllis - After I finished the first half-way decent batch of aebleskiver, I was ready to jump right into takoyaki. I already bought frozen octopus! 8-D

    But I am absolutely going to try different fillings - PB cups would be sooo delicious. I should just have a line of different fillings on the counter and make a variety batch . . .!

  34. Just that pan has me drooling! I want to hold it in my hands!!! I have never heard of these before, but I am more than intrigued. Thanks for the wonderful post and I'm off to learn more about AEblesivers (uh yeah, don't know how to make the AE symbol).

  35. How adorable and delectable! Pity these pans aren't available in the Caribbean:-( Very informative post about a food I've never heard of before. It has such a fun name too iba skavels eba squeebers. My kids would have fun with the name of this and the eating of it.

  36. vat a great name is this Æbleskiver!! hehe love to try it some time sooner.. great post!!

  37. what a fascinating post. I had never heard of these (not going to try to spell it again) and then now in the last few days I keep hearing about them. Thanks for the detailed post.

  38. oh wow what a great post always wondered about this little goodies

  39. You make me want to pull out my own ebleskiver pan. I haven't used it in months. It's high-time I did, too. I've put jam, peanut butter, chocolate chips, and ricotta inside mine. But I can't wait to try some more savory versions now.

  40. Never heard or seen æbleskiver before, but it sounds and looks like a perfect local food. I love the jam on it. And I'd like to have that pan, who doesn't? I guess I could make various pastries in it if I had one.

  41. That's an awesome post. I still don't know how to pronounce it. Your aebleskiver looks great. Where in the world would I buy a pan like that?

    Well, I'm looking forward for more of those.

  42. I've never had these before but looking at your pictures, I wish I was having some now. Looks delicious.

  43. Hot dang these look good. I want one of those, which means I need one of those pans. I'm going to do a post on Amsterdam and poffertjes which are similar to these aebleskiver - they are much smaller and Dutch, but are cooked in an equally cool pan.

    We should host a pancakes from around the world event!!!

  44. I need one of those pans! Great post!

  45. girl that last shot is so money. I'm Danish. I need to finally get one of these bad boys. I mean seriously right? I also love that you made your pan well-seasoned too.

  46. A culinary school friend of mine talks about these all the time. Now I know what they are, thanks for the info. They look delicious!

  47. Terrific post, as always. We've been making Aebelskivers for almost a year now, and I want to make an extra pitch for the savory kind - we use corn meal, cheese, and jalapenos in ours. Awesome.

  48. They look INCREDIBLE!! Makes me wanna go out and buy that pan myself! '
    In KOrea, we have something similar...but the batter has little bites of walnuts, and the filling is a sweetened adzuki bean paste!

  49. mmmmm......looks very pretty and delicious. That's exactly like the Japanese takoyaki mould. Their takoyaki are savoury.

  50. Looks awesome!!!!! I've never seen anything like it. I would LOVE to have one of those!

  51. That's one big Takoyaki pan. My husband would go crazy if they had big takoyaki that big near our place.

  52. I read about these guys over at Reluctant Gourmet's place. And now, here! I love that Chad said "hi" to his daughter in the middle of your conversation--tells me all I need to know about him.

    And that pan is a work of art--love it!

    Thanks, also, for the history lesson--you always go that extra step in your posts, and I really appreciate it!

  53. Oh, wow! I love it when I learn so much from a single post. Great info here. Bet those are awesomely delish.

  54. Apologies to everyone who commented after 10/8 - I replied to each of your new comments but it was all erased by a single Blogger error. Here's another shot at it:

    Girlichef - The pan is indeed awesome! Hope your research convinces you to get one ASAP! 8-)

    Wizzy - They taste as good as they look. Your kids would have a blast making them and the best part: you don't have to say the name as you eat them!

    Nora - Thank you! I hope you do try them out. 8-)

    Maybelle's Mom - I only heard about them recently myself but now I can't wait to read more, especially about the different kinds all over the world!

    Rebecca - Thank you! I enjoyed learning about them myself!

    Carolyn - I'm hoping to link back to your takoyaki post when I make them - I have the octopus all ready to go! 8-) PB and choc chips sound delicious but I love the creamy promise of ricotta. Please share if you try some savory versions!

    Zerrin - I only learned of these recently but now I can't get enough of them. I'm trying to think of other uses for the pan, too - it really is a beautiful piece of cookware!

    Divina - Thank you! The best bet for purchase is online: and Williams-Sonoma both offer the pans but as far as I know, Aunt Else's version is one of very few that have at least 9 wells. I can't wait to try different fillings!

    Jo - They're just as fun to make as they are delicious to eat!

    Gastronathropologist - I can't wait for your Amsterdam/poffertjes post! There's a bit of debate as to whose version is the original - I'd love to compare. Your idea for pancakes 'round the world even is great - we'll have to seriously consider it!

    Maria - Now that I have one, I don't know how I managed without one. It's so much fun to use!

    Dawn - You seriously have to get one - isn't it a requisite for all Danes? 8-D The pan wasn't so well-seasoned for the first batch, which was a sticky mess. Lesson learned and now it's just right!

    Sarah - You're welcome! I hope aebleskivers become the next big food thing - they are so delicious and fun to make!

    Lee - Thank you! Your Mexico-meets-Denmark version sounds fantastic. I love the texture of cornmeal and the spicy pop of jalapenos sounds promising. I'm making your suggestion next!

    Sophia - What are the ones in Korea called and what's the batter made of? Aside from takoyaki and Lee's cornmeal/jalapeno, I want to make a bean-paste-filled version, too!

    MaryMoh - I can't wait to try making takoyaki! I've never tasted the real thing so I just hope I can recreate it reasonably well. 8-)

    Marillyn - Thank you! I bet your sweet babies (when they're a bit older) would love to make aebleskivers, just like Chad's kids!

    Naoko - I can't wait to try takoyaki! How big are they? I have to admit these are quite large, about 2" in diameter. More to eat! 8-)

    OPC -I'm going to visit Reluctant Gourmet as I'm totally hooked on aebleskiver and want to know what others are doing! The pan is absolutely gorgeous - even if Chad asked for it back, I would have had to run away to Canada with it . . .! 8-D

    I'm so happy you enjoyed the post - believe me, I had a great time putting it together! 8-)

    Lo - Thank you! It was a tough post to write and research but someone had to do it . . . 8-D

  55. I made an almost identical post a couple of months ago about Ebleskiver and the Indian Paniyaram. But mine were sad looking compared to these!

    I really like the technique, the quarter turns used to make it a perfect globe. Its something I'd like to get the hang of soon :)

  56. Khanom Krok will always be my number one favorite. But Æbleskiver is a close second for sure.

  57. Oh what a lovely post, wish I had a pan like that!

  58. Absolutely fascinating post, Noodle! That pan *is* gorgeous ... I'm coveting it! I think my father would really get a kick out these, and the pan, so I might well consider it as a Christmas gift for him. He's really into crepes and pancakes, etc., and this would offer a fun new twist. Thanks for the links and the idea! :)

    My stars, they look scrumptious!

  59. Great post & photos!

    I'm doing a Starter kit giveaway & Towncall with Chad from Aunt Else's tomorrow (2/18) at 7pm PT/9pm CT/10pm ET. Pls invite your readers (esp those who commented on your Skiver post.)

    They must pre-register & be on the call to win the kit. to get phone #.

    Thanks for spreading the words!


Thank you so much for reading my post! I truly appreciate any and all comments; however, my apologies if it takes me a few days to respond. I promise that I do read them and will reply as soon as possible.