
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Eating Your Words 2010: The Roundup!

This is it - we challenged you to let your food do the talking and you've shown in spectacular fashion that they had a lot to say!

Altogether, 35 individuals from 6 countries submitted 41 entries, which Jennifer and I split between us. To see Eating Your Words 2010 Roundup - Part I, head on over to Savor the Thyme!

We are also pleased to share that our guest judge, author/chef/TV personality Andrew Zimmern, has bravely accepted the task of looking at ALL of the eligible submissions, instead of just a few finalists. As such, we will announce the winner sometime next week to give Chef Zimmern as much time as he needs to make his choice. And then, that lucky person will receive one of the most beautiful pieces of cookware to be found: an heirloom-quality aebleskiver pan generously provided by Aunt Else's Aebleskiver!

With such an awesome prize at stake, it's only fitting that we kick off Roundup - Part II with an entry that demonstrates what delicious fun is in store for the winner:

by Chad Gillard
President and Co-Founder of Aunt Else's Aebleskiver 

Weekends are a special time in the Gillard household when Dad pulls out the 'skiver pan and the kids help make a variety of Danish pancake balls. Just for fun, Chad shared this announcement about his family's favorite event!

Aileen of 400 Calories or Less listened to the very healthy message that her cukes had for all of us: eat your veggies! [Crunch, munch, munch . . . ]

Smita of Little Food Junction ushered in the new decade with these festive finger sandwiches. Hopefully, it's a sign of a good year full of good food!

Bob of Cooking Stuff knows his stuff, having stuffed this golden baked calzone with some mighty tasty fillings. Sometimes, being wicked is a virtue!

by Elmer, The Beancounter

Elmer of The Beancounter sent a delicious message in the form of a beloved classic Filipino confection. I, for one, would love to comply!

Stacie of A Little Yumminess invites us to swim in whimsy as her bowl of ramen beckons a brave little pea to take the plunge.

Deeba of Passionate About Baking leaves no doubt that she’s very passionate about baking with chocolate and coffee. These are consuming passions, indeed!

Susan of Diamonds for Dessert found her inspiration in Lewis Carroll’s 'Alice in Wonderland' for these tempting little treats. Fair warning: too many of these and I'm likely to grow larger!

by Cherrie, Sweet Cherrie Pie

Looks like Cherrie of Sweet Cherrie Pie couldn’t wait to eat her words, judging by the healthy bite taken out of this scrumptious chocolate cake. Words never tasted so good!

by Rachael, La Fuji Mama

Rachael of La Fuji Mama shows us that slurpiness is very good manners when dining on noodles in Japan. Arigatou gozaimashita! 

Kat of A Good Appetite can read my mind: she somehow knows that I'd pig out on these homemade savory sausages!

Caroline at When Adobo Met Feijoada found inspiration after her son maneuvered her into bringing home a tentacled friend for dinner (literally).

by Phyllis and Kris, me_HUNGRY! 

Phyllis and Kris of me_HUNGRY! spelled it out very clearly that they like their sushi bright, colorful and expressive. me_TOO!

by Cool Lassi(e), Pan Gravy Kadai Curry

Cool Lassi(e) at Pan Gravy Kadai Curry offers a nutritious dish that carries a special message of health that we can all appreciate and support.

Mia of Vanilla Strawberry Spring Fields had her heart in the right place when she prepared this healthy Valentine's Day salad and marked it with a 'V'.

by Nancy, My Cue Sticks

Nancy of My Cue Sticks keeps everything in order on her plate, but she may want to check out Stacie's ramen bowl above - it looks like some of her peas had other plans!

For Rachel of Laptops and Stovetops, inspiration for this savory message came in a dream. Sshhhh . . . Don't wake her just yet - we still need pasta and some parmesan . . .

Sanura of My Life Runs on Food, inspired by Andy Warhol, creates her own version of the artist’s iconic 'soup' prints.

Mia once again demonstrates that she *hearts* hearts with this scrumptious cookie - a sweet treat for a loved one!

Sean of Spectacularly Delicious shared a a special recipe from a now-gone Aspen bed and breakfast where a cherished family memory of vacations and aebleskivers was created!

For more creative cookery, please check out EYW'10 Roundup - Part I with Jennifer at Savor the Thyme. Then stay tuned for the announcement of our winner!

Thank you to all of our participants for making Eating Your Words 2010 such a successful event!

*Unfortunately, these submissions did not quite meet the criteria set in our contest rules. Due to late entry or not displaying a letter or word with the food itself, these entries are regrettably ineligible for the prize. Nonetheless, Jennifer and I truly appreciate their enthusiastic participation, so we are pleased to include them here for all to enjoy. 


  1. 'Fun' does not adequately describe the enjoyment I got out of planning, talking and reviewing the entries! Just imagine what will come next year!

  2. These are great ! I think my favorite of all is "OINK" - it is just perfect !

  3. oh man what talent here!
    i don't think i could have pulled off that perfect sushi one.

  4. Very creative. Hard to choose but I'm sure they had so much fun doing it.

  5. Everyone did an amazing job! This is a lot of fun!

  6. What a special challenge. Looks like great fun. I liked the dive in the ramen's fine. The little ladder is too cute.

  7. LOoks like so much fun! Must join the next challenge.

  8. Bravo to all these clever creations! The sushi and the homemade sausages definitely had me smiling. ;)

  9. All the entries are amazing , i'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful event !!!

  10. I'm really glad that I was able to participate this year. Awesome round-ups

  11. Oh, these are all fantastic! I love these ideas. I'm so glad I found out just in time to participate this year. :-)


  12. A fabulous contest and some wonderful entries! Andrew certainly does have his work cut out for him!!!

  13. Whoa, that is a TON of entries! I can't believe there's a Part I!! :) My favorite would have to be the very first one, though.

  14. My oh my, what a stunning line up - I don't envy Chef Zimmern's task!

  15. Wow! Everyone did an amazing job! Thanks for hosting such a fun contest!

  16. Looks like so much fun! It could really get my creative juices flowing! Next time !

  17. great round up all the submissions are so creative! i wish i could have participated, but definitely next time around!

  18. WOW!!! What an awesome round up........

    Thank so much for hosting 'Eating your Words Challenge'.... It was great fun...
    The Variable - Nachiketa
    Crazy Over Desserts - The Variable, Nachiketa

  19. YAY, fun fun fun! I loved the theme and am blown away by all the creativity here and at Jennifers! Well done you two! Thanks for hosting this beautiful event!!

  20. Great roundup, very creative posts.
    Bravo to all of you!

  21. As I just said on Savor the Thyme ... I am blown away by the creativity this year! All of the entries are amazing and it is a real honor to have been a part of such a fun and festive event. I think everyone has out-done themselves this year. Congrats to all for making this such a spectacular event!! :)

    And many thanks to you, Noodle, for hosting this again. Its magnificent!!! :)

  22. We had so much fun doing this & it gave us an excuse to gat back into sausage making!

  23. Great roundup! Too many here to pick a favorite. It's between the sausage, take me cookies and sushi for me. He's gonna have a tough decision to make. :)

  24. Great stuff! I'm stoked I was able to play along this year.

  25. WOW!!! What an amazing roundup!Kris and I had a total blast participating...thanks so much for hosting such a cool challenge :)

  26. forgot to mention...I saved you some of the durian dessert (LOL)

  27. Wow! This is so cool! I love this post. Great job guys :)

  28. The creativity is incredible, the sushi one is so colorful, but I'm glad I am not responsible for selecting the winner.

  29. Aren't these great? Thanks for all your comments and now, Jennifer and I are waiting on the edge of our seats to hear back from Chef Zimmern about the winner. We'll let you all know as soon as we do!

    Jennifer - Hey, co-host! It was great fun but now, I'm nervous about a 'next year'! How do we top this?!

    Aileen - Everyone did such a great job! I feel pretty oinky, wanting a bite of everything. 8-)

    Dawn - I'm definitely in awe of Phyllis' skill displayed in that sushi dish!

    Kathleen - I hope everyone has as much fun looking at the entries as our participants obviously had making them!

    Divina - It certainly looks like they did. I don't know how Chef Zimmern will choose . . .

    5 Star Foodie - Thank you so much for participating again this year, as well as for your tremendous programming skills with the roundup! 8-D

    Mark - It was great fun for all involved! The ramen post is amazing for its use of fillings to spell out the words.

    Penny - I hope you do! I know you'll come up with a great idea. 8-)

    Carolyn - Everytime a new entry came in, I would clap my hands in glee over all the cleverness!

    Smita - We are so happy that you were a big part of it - thanks so much for participating!

    Jenn - I was so thrilled that you joined in!

    Shirley - I'm also glad that you found out in time, thanks to Diva! I was craving your corn muffins, imagining it piping hot with melting butter all over . . .

    Mardi - I don't envy his task - this will be a tough choice!

    Manggy - Jennifer and I were thrilled with the response. My only regret is that there wasn't a 'tasting' element to the contest . . .

    Daily Spud - You were a big part of these stunning lineups! Thanks so much for participating again this year. And I don't envy Chef Zimmern, either - he's got his work cut out for him in choosing just one winner!

    Jeanne - You are most welcome and thank you for participating!

    Sook - The entries are all delightful and it looks like everyone had great fun making them. 8-)

    Taste of Beirut - Oh, yes! I hope you will join us next time. 8-)

    LetMeEatCake - That would be great! I know that you were thinking about it toward the end, so hopefully you'll join us next year.

    Nachiketa - Thank you so much for participating! I wish I could get a cake like that for my birthday. 8-D

    Deeba - Thank you for joining us in the fun! I'm determined to pick up some buckwheat flour to try out your biscotti recipe.

    tigerfish - We hope everyone has as much fun enjoying the round-up as much as our entrants had making them!

    Mariana - Thank you! Everyone did a marvelous job with their creations.

    Diva - You are a charter member of Eating Your Words and I'm so thankful for your support and participation! This has been such a great and fun event - I just hope we can match it next year. 8-)

    Kat - Your entry has me craving sausages day and night! I'm so glad that this provided motivation for you - um, can I get a meaty link or two?

    Lori - I'm so glad that I don't have to choose because I wouldn't be able to! Thanks so much for participating - your pretzels were an awesome entry!

    Bob - I'm also very stoked that you were able to! 8-)

    Phyllis - [LOL] We created a competitive monster in you and Kris! But your enthusiasm was wonderful and so greatly appreciated! And thanks for saving that durian dessert - will it keep until I make it out to NY? 8-)

  30. Erica - Our participants deserve 100% of the credit: they did such a spectacular job coming up with such creative entries.

    OysterCulture - [LOL] I'm glad I'm not in charge of choosing, either! The entries are so striking - if you haven't already, do check out the ones on jennifer's site, including more from the dynamic duo, Phyllis and Kris! 8-D

  31. Wow, I enjoyed so much looking at the pictures and reading about the participants...lots of fun...and very creative :-)

  32. Love the Sushi! All entries are very inventive.

  33. What a lot of inventive and creations!! Some are really sophisticated!

    Have a great week,


  34. The creativity this round up inspires is so great - love these :)

  35. Everything looks so creative and cute! You are just so gifted!

  36. Everyone is so creative here. Great round ups!

  37. Mr. Zimmern is going to have a tough time here LOL!

  38. this is awesome you guys did so well brought a big grin to my face

  39. Oh my goodness! The entries seriously blow me away!

  40. What a great round-up! I racked my brain trying to think of something clever. I see now that I was definitely over thinking it. Maybe next time...

  41. wow, everyone was so creative in their creations!! this was indeed a successful event! great job.. bravo bravo!

  42. This was so awesome! I love the creativity. I loved it.

  43. They were all great entries but I must say, I LOVE Caroline's the best. I am so glad she won!


Thank you so much for reading my post! I truly appreciate any and all comments; however, my apologies if it takes me a few days to respond. I promise that I do read them and will reply as soon as possible.