
Sunday, August 22, 2010

An International Incident: Scones Gone Wild!

Wild Rice & Candy Cap Mushroom Scones 
Dainty teacups and delicate saucers. White linen and lace doilies. Clotted cream and sweet jam. Genteel, elegant and civilized, they make the perfect setting for tea and scones. But there comes a time when a proper young baked good needs to escape the stuffy parlor and roll free in the great outdoors . . .

Such was my inspiration for this month's International Incident Party: Scones, hosted by the tremendous trio of Penny at Jeroxie, Anh of A Food Lover's Journey and Cherrie of Sweet Cherrie Pie. To flavor these popular quick breads, sweet ingredients have been found in fruit orchards and flower beds, while savory elements are drawn from vegetable patches and herb gardens. But why not venture a little further afield, into the woods and along lakeshores and riverbanks?

Where the Wild Things Are

I was recently reminded of the wonderful qualities of manoomin, better known as wild rice, by Scott Burns of Scenic Waters Wild Rice Company, who offers his hand-harvested grains at the Minneapolis Farmers Market. Light in color, quick to cook, and so flavorful - earthy, slightly nutty with a hint of green - truly wild rice is still collected by the Ojibwe using a generations-old method of floating among the tall grasses growing along the banks of Minnesota's northern lakes and rivers, and beating the plants with sticks to knock their grains onto the boat. Though laborious to harvest, native manoomin is far superior to the commercial, paddy-grown stuff usually found on grocery shelves.

I've made a heavenly porridge straight out of Hell's Kitchen and a sinangag (fried rice) à la Midwest with local bacon and dried cranberries, but Scott also encouraged me to try wild rice in my favorite pancakes and baked goods as its chewy texture and earthy flavor adds another dimension to these favorite foods. With the approach of the International Incident Scones Party, I found the perfect opportunity to do just that.

I might have ended up with a scone version of the aforementioned Mahnomin Porridge, chock full of wild rice, dried fruits and toasted hazelnuts, then topped with cream and maple syrup, if the last ingredient hadn't sparked a recollection of something special in my freezer. A couple of months ago, I received a treasure box of ingredients from specialty foods purveyor Marx Foods, courtesy of Natasha of 5 Star Foodie, who had invited me to participate in her Makeover Summer '10 Special. Among the samples of aji amarillo and flageolet beans was a small bag of brown, wrinkly dried fungus - none other than the extraordinary candy cap mushroom.

Candy cap mushrooms (Lactarius rubidus and L. rufulus) grow wild within the coastal forests from Northern California to the Pacific Northwest and are abundant during the winter months. Their unusually sweet flavor and fragrance put them in a most unusual situation for a mushroom - as an element for dessert, such as this Candy Cap Persimmon Flan by Christo of Chez What? blog.

I had read about them, wondered about them, wished I could get my hands on them. And there they were. Everything that is said about their aroma, redolent of maple syrup, is absolutely true. It's a heady, crave-inducing but all-permeating fragrance, which necessitates storing in the freezer to best preserve it and to keep from infusing the rest of your pantry with its sweet scent. The moment I spotted it in its double-bagged storage (it really is a strong aroma), the oven light switched on and my scone was born.

Wild Rice and Candy Cap Mushroom Scones
(Basic scone recipe adapted from King Arthur Flour)

Leave the white gloves at home and loosen the corset strings - these scones will leave you wanting to lick the buttery crumbs off your fingers and then reaching for another one. Unlike some scones whose added ingredients like chocolate, dried fruits or seasonings may peg them squarely as either sweet or savory, these little breads walk on both the wild and the civilized sides. The chewiness of wild rice contrasts well with the airy cream and gelatinous jams of traditional scone accompaniments, while the sweetness of candy cap mushrooms is an equally delicious counterpoint to smoked fish and cured meats. Or else, just enjoy them plain and natural.

The candy cap mushrooms were steeped in heavy cream, then chopped to be added into the dough. Cooked wild rice maintained its firm texture through the baking process, while 'dropping' the dough by the spoonfuls gave these scones a more natural, rustic look.

Makes approximately 18 round scones


1/4 to 1/3 cup whole dried candy cap mushrooms
1/2 cup to 2/3 cup heavy whipping cream, heated (plus extra 1/4 cup)
2-3/4 cups all purpose flour
3/4 tsp salt
1 Tbs baking powder
1/2 cup cold butter, cut into pieces
1 cup cooked wild rice (approximately 1/3 cup uncooked)
2 large eggs
2 tsps vanilla

To Make:

1) In a small non-reactive bowl, cover dried mushroom with heated cream and let steep for about 20-25 minutes. When done, remove softened mushrooms, reserving the infused cream, and chop into small pieces. Set aside while making the dough;
2) In a medium bowl, sift flour, salt and baking powder together; add butter pieces and work into the dry ingredients with pastry cutter, fork or hands, until mixture is evenly crumbly. Add cooked wild rice and mushroom pieces and stir to combine well;
3) In a separate bowl, whisk eggs, vanilla and cream, then add to the flour, rice and mushroom mixture. Stir until just moistened and a soft, slightly sticky dough begins to form.
4) Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and using a spoon or ice cream scoop, drop 2 to 3 Tablespoons of dough onto the baking sheet, with at least 1/2" of space between each. Using a piece of parchment or wax paper, slightly flatten each scone. It's alright if they are not perfectly round.
5) Brush tops with extra cream, then place the baking sheet in the freezer for 30 minutes while the oven preheats to 425°F.
6) Bake for 20-25 minutes or until scones are a golden brown. When done, remove from oven and cool on the pans. Serve with your favorite jams, marmalades and preserves, with cream or butter, and with smoked fish or cured meats. Or place in an airtight container and freeze until ready to eat.

WARNING: Your kitchen will smell deliriously of delicious maple syrup! Do not open the windows or turn on the fans - just enjoy breathe it in . . .

Are you now jonesing for some scones - sconesing, as it were? Then check out the rest of the International Incident Scones Party:


  1. Oh! I would have never thought rice and mushroom scones, but they sound fantastic :D

  2. I was "deliriously" lost with your description of the scones... hypnotized in fact, I can't find the right words to write hahah. I thought this scones is such a clever mix of sweet and savory, of fluffiness to chewiness ahhh,,, i told you im lost (for words too haha!)

  3. Love the title of your post ;p. What a fascinating mix of add-ins that must be so flavorful and satisfying in these scones.

  4. Sconseing!!!! Haaa! I love this unique. Sheer comfort =)

  5. there are so many varieties of mushrooms! never heard of these. nor have i seen mushrooms in a scone, but i love the idea. you have my mind thinking about all the possibilities now. savory scones are my favorites.

  6. Your scones are so unique and creative - wild rice and candy cap mushrooms is a very intriguing combination!

  7. They are "smelly" arent they - but in a totally good way - thanks for the shout out and - dang I wish I could taste one of these delicious scones!

  8. omg! I love this concept of a savory wild rice scones!!

  9. Wild rice in scones? That is fantastic! I was reading and re-read trying to understand it. I wish I could try it....

    Better late than never! You are always welcomed :)

  10. I would have never thought to put wild rice & mushrooms in a scone. I bet these have loads of umami!

  11. Sounds creative and healthy with the wild rice in the scones.

  12. What an inspired choice Tracey - I love what you do in the kitchen! These look perfect for a cool fall day - bookmarking to try out in the coming months. Though I am going to have to refrain from calling them scones, the Aussie in me begs to differ!!! Savoury biscuits perhaps? ;-)

  13. My husband loves scones. Wait until he sees these Tracey. I would have never thought to make savory ones. Very clever.

  14. Hello there. Just came over to your blog from Trissalicious. This recipe is so so interesting. Rice in scones! I have to try it.

  15. This is so totally wild, I'm loving it! The thought of rice and mushrooms together in an airy scone never crossed my mind before this post. Thanks for helping us expand our baking horizons!

  16. So creative! I can see I'm going to have to step up my game!

  17. What an interesting scone! I had candy caps last time I was in SF, it was mushroom fest at the Ferry Building. Such a great little mushroom.

  18. I love scones, but have never seen nor heard of one quite as inspired as this. Love it!

  19. Wow, what an interesting mixture for scone...wild rice and mushrooms...they sure look very tasty...savory!

  20. Wow, this recipe just blows me away with its creativity. Scones have a special doily-lined place in my heart, but I'm throwing the doilies out the window and fully embracing this version. Brilliant! Loving the sound of those mushies too.

  21. Thank you for your enthusiastic comments! I'm working on catching up from my last post so I hope to respond to all of you shortly. In the meantime, I hope your enjoying the scones-a-palooza! 8-D

  22. what a flavour combo! I love the sound of your scones

  23. What a unique combo, your creativity is inspiring and I'm sure delicious :)

  24. What a great idea for a scone! The candy cap mushrooms sound amazing, and I'm going to have find those. And, the more I hear about your local wild rice, the more I want to hop on a plane and visit the Minneapolis Farmers Market.

  25. I am definitely sconesing now. :)

    I love savory scones - best thing ever to turn into a savory treat imho!

  26. I adore savory scones for breakfast or a snack. These sound like they would be fantastic on their own or even better as part of an upscale egg sandwich. Yum.

  27. Those are some savory lookin' scones! Luv the idea of the wild rice and the exotic mushrooms! How fun to be able to create a dish with what you have, and then have it turn out so darn good! Lovely post!

  28. It funny how I like to eat scones, yet I've never tried to make them myself. Totally odd of me. hehehe...

  29. Thank you for the additional comments! I'm so sorry that I haven't kept my promise to respond individually - I am in the midst of preparing for a trip to Asia that came up only a few weeks ago, so my mind has been jumping all over the place.

    I really appreciate that you all took the time to leave a comment and I hope I will get much better at replying properly in due time! 8-)

  30. Candy cap mushrooms? I want such delicious wild mushrooms to grow in my neighbourhood!

  31. Holy cow. Savory scones with mushrooms. This even beats the bacon ones I've seen!

  32. What an absolutely charming event, and I am amazed at your choice of flavours! YUM!! Novel indeed!

  33. Amazing recipe! I love your creative ideas. I'd never heard of candy cap mushrooms before...ever.

    Thanks for the education...and the recipe!

  34. What an amazing combination for a savory-sweet scone.

  35. Savory scones with cream and mushrooms?! This recipe I have to try!

  36. I never would have come up with this combo. Looks great. Thanks for sharing.

    Plan B

  37. I love savory scones, and these look so good :)

  38. Incredible combination! Wow, these savory sounding scones have my head spinning. What a delightful departure for scones. Fabulous!

  39. Wild rice and scones... that is so creative and it looks so good! That is what happens when you get to know so many cultures, the recipes get only better and better! Miss ya. I decided to post again... hope I can carry on...

  40. Ooh, love how you used the candy caps. Their aroma is heavenly.

  41. What an interesting combination of ingredients! These look like a feast for the palette!

  42. I'm totally jonesin' for some sconsin'! How did you know? :) Thanks for visiting Tangled. So glad you're back.

  43. wonderful looking scones! I love scones!


Thank you so much for reading my post! I truly appreciate any and all comments; however, my apologies if it takes me a few days to respond. I promise that I do read them and will reply as soon as possible.