
Monday, August 3, 2009

Ice Cream Social - The After-Party!

The Final Scoop

August 4, 2009
Announcing the Winners of The Ice Cream Social!
For more incredible frozen desserts, please visit Scotty Snacks and Savor the Thyme.

Congratulations to the following winners* of Stonyfield Farms ice cream and frozen yogurt coupons! [*Recipients were chosen at random, using's number generator to draw from a list of all dessert entries. Coupons will be mailed directly from Stonyfield Farms.]

For our three remaining prizes, it proved to be unbelievably difficult to pick from among all of the outstanding entries we received. So, in addition to the winner of each prize, we have decided to name a runner-up to receive Stonyfield Farm coupons!

Best Photograph
Prize: Ice Cream Cone graphic designed by Susan Kare, courtesy of

1st Runner-up: Denise of Chez Us, for a gorgeously vivid Boysenberry Sorbet on a cone.
Winner: Deeba of Passionate About Baking, for a sublime photo hinting at lovely flavors in her Roasted Peach & Plum Ice Cream.

Most Unique Ingredient
Prize: Hand-printed Tee-shirt with original design by Penelope of neenacreates

1st Runner-up: Leela of SheSimmers, for turning a savory side dish into a sweet treat - Baked Purple Potato and Sour Cream Creamsicles!
Winner: Anna of Very Small Anna, for her use of the relatively obscure herb angelica to update a classic summer pie combination into Strawberry-Rhubarb Ice Cream.

Best Use of Adult Libations
Prize: Ice Creams & Sorbets: Cool Recipes, by Lou Seibert Pappas

1st Runner-up: Paula of Ambrosia Quest, for her sophisticated and refreshing Lemon Sorbetto Cocktail.
Winner: Wizzy of Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Punch, for a double-dose of Irish stout in her Guinness Brown Bread Ice Cream.

Congratulations to all of our prize recipients! If you see your entry here, please send your full name and complete mailing address to so that we can send your reward. For international winners, prizes will be mailed via US Postal Service.

Many thanks to our wonderful prize providers: Penelope of neenacreates, Stonyfield Farms and!

Ice Cream Social Roundup

Just because the official event has ended doesn't mean we can't keep celebrating! After thirty-one days of blissful indulgence in all things frozen and delicious, the Ice Cream Social may be over, but the real party has only just begun.

We put out the call to send us your best frozen desserts and the response has been incredible, with more fanciful, imaginative and extravagantly original creations than any of us could have imagined. In fact, the number of entries was so great that they could not be contained in a single blog! So, after enjoying the following delightful desserts here, please be sure to visit Scott of ScottySnacks and Jennifer of Savor The Thyme for even more wonderful treats.

Memória's Mint Chocolate Chip & Cherry Frozen Yogurt

Picking up where I left off in my previous post is Memória of Mangio da Sola, a post-graduate student of Spanish and Portuguese linguistics whose other deep interest is in the language of food. Her Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream is a popular flavor combination but she also pairs the richness of cocoa with the tartness of cherry in an intensely-hued Cherry Frozen Yogurt with Chocolate Stracciatella. As good as these sound, visit her blog to find even more incredible ice cream creations!

Deb's Apricot-Cardamom Yogurt & Cherry-Thai Basil Sorbet

Another one who had cherries on her mind was Deb of Kahakai Kitchen, whose Cherry-Thai Basil Sorbet was inspired by her success with recipes pairing varieties of this herb with sweet fruits such as strawberry and watermelon. As a resident of the beautiful Hawai'ian Islands, Deb can indulge in an abundance of tropical fruits, but she admits to an occasional craving for some mainland produce. So when the opportunity arose, she snagged some fresh fruit for an Apricot and Cardamom Yogurt Ice Cream - flavors that evoke the essence of India. For a taste of the islands, please stop in at Deb's 'Beach Kitchen'!

Anna's Mascarpeach Ice Cream & Espresso-Cacao Fudge Swirl

From apricots and beaches to espresso and peaches! Don't let the name fool you: Anna of VerySmallAnna is anything but small in her endeavors. Already an accomplished artist, she recently made the move to New York City to attend pastry school. In the meantime, she was busy in the ice-cream making arena: her Mascarpeach (Mascarpone Cinnamon Peach) Ice Cream is truly a home- and hand-made recipe, while her Espresso-Cacao Fudge Swirl was so good, it prompted a special someone to give up any other coffee ice cream but hers! If you don't have an IC maker, head over to Anna's site for her tutorial Ice Cream: No Machine Required!

Phyllis' Frozen Cherimoya & Coffee-Chocolate Almond (Halo Pub)

The absence of an ice cream maker didn't stop Phyllis of Me_Hungry from enjoying her own scoop of frozen coffee goodness - she simply let someone else make it for her! To celebrate National IC Month, she and her husband Kris embarked on an Ice Cream Shop Crawl in Princeton, NJ (five in one day), where they enjoyed everything from sorbets to a Banana Whip. But Phyllis does make her own special cold treat: Frozen Cherimoyas, which - given its other name, 'custard apple' - is pretty much Nature's own version of ice cream! Visit Me_Hungry to find out more about Banana Whips, cherimoyas and her very popular Weird Food Wednesdays.

Perhaps you've already heard of cherimoyas, but have you ever tried ube (pronounced oo-beh), also known as 'purple yam'? In the Philippines, its vivid violet hue can be found in a variety of cakes, candies and other desserts, attesting to its popularity as a sweet ingredient. Among the most favored treats is Ube Ice Cream, which Maine-based blogger Manang Kusinera made and dedicated to her fellow Filipino expats who miss this unique taste of home. If you've ever wanted to try Filipino cuisine, let Manang ('older sister') show you how it's done!

Given the name of her blog, Aiofe of The Daily Spud would seem to be the natural choice to use a tuber in a frozen dessert, but her creativity with any ingredient assures delightful surprises. Inspired by the springtime scent of lilac flowers outside her doorstep, Aiofe infused a vanilla ice cream recipe with some lovely blossoms to produce a delicately-flavored Lilac Ice Cream. In submitting this entry, she noted, "It's past lilac season now, but maybe it'll inspire people to make other kinds of floral ice cream." For even more delectable inspiration, take a virtual trip across the Atlantic and discover for yourself why The Daily Spud was named this year's Best Food/Drink Blog by the Irish Blog Awards.

His and Hers (clockwise from top left) Dulce de Leche, Strawberry Lemon Basil,
Ginger Berry, Mango Habanero and Green Tea Lychee

There's nothing delicate about the next entry: Mango Sherbet with Candied Habanero Peppers, courtesy of He Cooks, She Cooks - a pair of journalism students with a shared culinary passion and a wicked sense of flavor. This small sampler of their creations is a veritable 'what's what' of frozen desserts: the heat of chili peppers gives way to a different spiciness with Ginger Berry Ice Cream before being tamed altogether by the floral-like Green Tea Lychee Ice Cream, while the creamy richness of Dulce de Leche is balanced by a light and refreshing Strawberry Lemon Basil Sorbet. If you think these are interesting flavors, then visit He and She, and demand that they post the recipe for their Butterscotch Bacon Ice Cream!

If sweet and salty is a bit much for now, then how about something sweet and citrus-y? LouAnn of Oyster Food and Culture offered this Spiced Orange Honey Sorbet along with lovely reminiscences about princesses, carousels and childhood dreams. Judging by the photo of her husband enjoying a bowl of this creation, it's not hard to imagine that a taste of her sorbet is indeed dreamy! If you're looking for detailed information on international cuisines and unusual ingredients from around the globe, then the world is your oyster - Oyster Food and Culture, that is!

Mare's Coconut Lime Sorbet, Pomegranate Ice Cream
and Honey Almond Dream with Blackberry Sauce

Citrus and honey are quite the popular combination it seems, as Marillyn of Just Making Noise used the bounty from her backyard lime tree in Costa Rica to make a sherbet-like Coconut Lime Sorbet, using raw honey and coconut kefir. The discovery of pomegranate molasses during a trip to the Asian market inspired Mare to create her Pomegranate Ice Cream, which she described as having "a sweet, sour tingle". But as good as that sounds, she declares that her favorite recipe so far is Honey Almond Dream with Blackberry Sauce, which is sweetened with raw honey and thickened with a bit of arrowroot. For healthy, natural recipes, such as one for making your own coconut kefir, please stop by Mare's blog where she shares her life as a missionary, wife and mother - all without the sense of sound.

Speaking of almonds, who's nuts about nuts? For one, there's Aparna of My Diverse Kitchen, who offered an eggless Pistachio Gelato made with pistachio paste and kewra extract (from pandan flowers). Although it's currently monsoon season in her home of Goa, it's not too cool for more frozen desserts, so she also adapted the above recipe to make Mango Gelato with Chocolate Chips. One recipe, two flavors: now, that's a deal! If you're interested in trying Goan cuisine and other vegetarian dishes, I encourage you to visit Aparna in her Diverse Kitchen.

Gelato was also on her mind when Lisa of Lisa Is Cooking recently became the proud possessor of a brand new ice cream maker. Coupled with her awesome personal library of cookbooks, it's not surprising that she found and made a unique vanilla gelato recipe that called for a subtle yet distinct flavor of salt. Taking it one delicious step further, Lisa paired the gelato with the sweet, rich flavor of chocolate malt to create a scrumptious ice cream sandwich: Vanilla Gelato with Chocolate Malt Cookies! Follow along with her blog as she prepares dishes from her impressive collection of culinary compendiums and you may just find yourself wanting to start your own gourmet library!

Ellie's Caramel Glace and Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream

Vanilla with chocolate cookies is a classic pairing of ice cream flavor and baked goodies, but as Ellie of Almost Bourdain demonstrates, so are strawberries and cheesecake. Her Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream is not for the waist-watcher or calorie-counter, as it calls for full-fat milk, double cream and Philly cream cheese. For something a bit more delicate but just as luscious, try her Caramel Ice Cream, inspired by her favorite Caramel Glace from Berthillon's in Paris. Like her blog's namesake, Ellie says, "I travel, I cook, I eat"; stop by her site and you'll find a truly global banquet of Malaysian, Australian, Dutch and French food!

Michelle's Chocolate and Butter Pecan Ice Creams

Speaking of classic, perhaps no other ice cream flavor is as near-universally beloved as chocolate and Michelle of Brown Eyed Baker shows us why, with her Chocolate Ice Cream on a cone. Taking one look at the depth of chocolate goodness in her photo and I was hard put not to lick the screen! To pile temptation on top of temptation, she then offers up an equally enticing Butter Pecan Ice Cream, a favorite of her mother and grandmother. Michelle admits that it's not her first choice - that is, until the praline-like taste brought to mind Southern flavors and . . . bourbon! Oh, yes, she went there: a Butter Pecan Bourbon Float*! Check it out at Brown Eyed Baker (*You must be over 21 to view this dessert drink. Just kidding).

While ice cream is a treat for all ages, not all ages can indulge in some ice cream treats. The combination of adult libation and frozen dessert is the centerpiece of the final two entries in this round-up. First is Wizzy of Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Punch who brings us Guinness Brown Bread Ice Cream, a surprisingly favorite flavor from ice cream vendors near her Caribbean home. Wizzy's version incorporates Guinness stout in two ways: in the egg-less 'custard' mixture and then in the crunchy, sweetened brown bread crumbles. Erin go bragh, mon! Wizzy's blog is relatively new, having just launched in June, so be sure to stop by and show her some blogger love and support.

Last but absolutely not least is my fellow Minneapolitan, Kathy of A Good Appetite, who tortured me with Twitter updates as she made her Oatmeal Stout and Heath Bar Ice Cream. The candy bar heightened the natural undertones of toffee flavor in the stout, while the brew itself gave the ice cream a rich, caramel color. This is just one of several unique ice creams that Kathy has made, including Red Velvet Gelato Sandwiches and the intriguing Honeyed Fig and Pig. Don't take my word for it - a visit to A Good Appetite is sure to whet your own!

I don't about you, but after looking at all these amazing desserts, I think I've gained 5 pounds! Please be sure to head over to Savor the Thyme and Scotty Snacks for even more of these incredible frozen creations. And remember - any time is a good time for ice cream. Scoop on!


  1. Wow - what a festive month it's been. I knew I'd been missing out (I've been in the process of a move) but who knew it could be so sweet! Wish I had the time to make some Ice Cream right now!

  2. I think I gained weight just reading about this great stuff! My ice cream maker will be busy for months with all these great ideas.

  3. Oh man, this is killing me. I think I have some ice cream in the freezer...

  4. Ice cream overload. I need an ice cream fix right now!!!!

  5. These are all so tempting as it is still so hot here. I've just returned from a 10-day-vacation, and seeing all these made me feel as if I'm still on the beach. It will be difficult to decide which one to make first.

  6. What gorgeous ice creams and so many creative ideas and flavors. Congrats on hosting such a great event!

  7. Congrats on an excellent ice cream social event! So EXCITED I made the ice cream social round-up (can't wait to show hubby!) I think I got off pretty easy because all I had to do put a fruit in the freezer and then stuff my face in Princeton :P
    I'm bookmarking this post so I can explore all these fabulous blogs you've featured. Current standouts from the line up are the strawberry cheesecake ice cream from Almost Bourdain (piggy like me can't ignore words like "full fat" & "double cream") and the Guinness Brown Bread ice cream from Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Punch (still have Ireland on the brain and I had some similar ice cream in Dublin).

  8. It is going to be a LONG time before I need a new recipe for ice cream! These are all so amazing. I love how everyone took the flavors to a new level incorporating all kinds of incredibly unique ingredients.

  9. I've not just gained weight by reading this, I think I'm about to enter a full-blown food coma! All I need to complete this is some ice cream weather - now, if the weather gods would only oblige...

  10. What an incredibly assortment, I peaked at Savor the Thyme's list this morning, and wow - the creativity was amazing. What a fun event and a great way to celebrate a delicious food.

  11. Hi TN! Just now I am getting to enjoy all these fabulous recipes you have been posting! I had a short vacation and I am slowly coming back... take care.

  12. We should've made some! They all look so good. Nice way to celebrate the summer too.

  13. All gorgeous but I was particularily captivated by the strawberry lemon basil one. It just jumped out at me.

    Do you have a particular ice cream scoop that is your favorite (or did I just miss it in another post?) I see you've pictured the one that can go in the freezer. My mother-in-law always liked the tiniest little scoop she could find. I use one that is sort of in-between right now. Do you like the freezer one?

  14. Between the three of you, and all that gorgeous ice-cream, I think I have a good start to my day!

  15. Wow, I am having a hard time to choose which one is my fave. I want them all.

  16. FANTASTIC round-up, noodle! It'll be so hard to pick a winner! :)

  17. This is great round-up post!! Thanks for mentioning my blog.

  18. Wow, that's am impressive variety. However will you decide?! Looking forward to the results! :)

  19. Wonderful submissions, all, but that Guinness Brown Bread ice cream stopped me in my (moose) tracks!

  20. Wonderful ice cream creations and a great round-up! I would also love to try that Guinness Brown bread ice cream.

  21. Delicious !!!! I would love to try all the ice cream ...

    Thanks for sharing wonderful delicious ice cream:)

    Have a wonderful Day ~~~~

  22. A prize for me?? I am so honored! GREG

  23. Awesome collection of icey creamy recipes! Oh how I do wish I had an ice cream maker *wistful sigh* Homemade is the bombe.

  24. Great round-up! This is fun! Thanks to you guys for hosting this event and thanks for the mention! Just got out of bed (7:00 am here) and found this post; now I'm fully awake! :)

  25. all the desserts look fabulous. You hold one heck of a contest.

  26. Ice cream social is a creative and awesome idea! Everything looks terrific and amazing.

    Next time I will try to make it in time and submit a recipe!!

  27. Thank you for your lovely review. Sorry you had to suffer through that post full of blather. Forgive the newbie - maybe it was the Guinness in the ice-cream that gave me the 'gift of gab' LOL - Working on shorter write ups.

  28. Hey there TN. Can't imagine I am a winner here. The competition was tough & each entry stunning. Thank you, all you 3 wonderful folk, & Stonyfield Farms, for this tremendous & exciting event!♥

  29. Wonderful roundup, gorgeous ice creams!! Many, many congrats to you and to all the winners!!

  30. YAY! I WON. I knew it! Can't wait for the coupons!!!

  31. Congrats to all the winners! You all had some very tough choices to make!

  32. My favorite is hands down cherry garcia. and cherries are in season!

  33. they all look absolutely delicious. i want all of emm!! TN those pics look gorgeous :)

  34. Thank you all for your comments about our Ice Cream Social!! I hope you've enjoyed these outstanding creations - please visit as Scott and Jennifer's blogs for even more. And I hope that you'll be inspired to try some of these recipes (or all of them!)

    Hornsfan - I hope your move went well! What better way to treat yourself for such hard work than by having some ice cream? 8-D

    Lisa - I want to try your Vanilla Gelato; I am so intrigued by the idea of a salty overtone! As for the cookies, those will be made as well (when I track down the recipes) although it's doubtful they'd last long enough to be made into ice cream sandwiches!

    Bob - Better get some now before you collapse! 8-D

    Jenn - You, too!

    Zerrin - I will be over at your site today to see your wonderful pictures! I hope you'll enjoy any of these recipes but I'm curious about what kinds of flavors or frozen treats are most popular in Turkey?

    Deb - Thank you so much but all the thanks go to you for your participation! I'm ready to make that apricot cardomom fro-yo!

    Phyllis - Your parlor crawl looked like great fun but I need to know your secret for indulging from poutine to ice cream and still be that slender!! The gene sequence for your metabolism needs to be cloned. 8-D Don't these all look so good?

    Lori - I know what you mean! I didn't bother to put my ice cream maker back in the cupboard - I know I'll be needing it until at least end of October! 8-)

    Daily Spud - [LOL] Thank goodness I had the hubs to help me consume just the ones I made. What will happen to us if I make even a fraction of these great recipes! I will send hot-weather vibes your way . . .

    OysterCulture - It was great fun to do this event, especially with such co-hosts as Scott and Jennifer! I'm still blown away by the originality on display. I can't wait to start trying them . . . !

    Cris - Hello, my dear friend! I hope you had a wonderful vacation; it does take time to get back into 'regular' life, doesn't it? I look forward to talking to you again soon!

    Duo - I wish you had: you come up with such inventive recipes! Maybe next summer ...?

    Sam - The color is so vivid, isn't it? This is the only scoop I've used for years - it's not so big that I overindulge in large scoops and yet not so small that I feel deprived! Just perfect. And honestly, I didn't know that this was meant to be 'frozen' - I wondered what that sloshing sound was inside of it! 8-D

    Aparna - Thank you for your participation! Your duo of pistachio and mango ice creams are even more favorite flavors for us so we can't wait to try them out!

  35. (Replies, cont'd)

    Erica - Thank you! I wish summer wouldn't end so we could keep enjoying . . . !

    Elra - Me, too! I will have to pace myself in trying out these recipes.

    Manggy - Thank you so much! It was really difficult although we finally just had to choose, and we even announced runners-up, which wasn't planned. But that's how good it all was - trying to recognize as many as possible!

    Ellie - You are most welcome and thank you so much for participating! While I admit that I have many favorite flavors, Strawberry Cheesecake has always been my first choice at ice cream parlors!

    Sophie - Thank you! It was a hard choice but we had to make it. But ALL of these are wonderful!

    Miakoda - The decision was tough but in the end, particular recipes really caught all of our eyes. Seriously, I would give a prize to each one!

    OPC - Yeah, that caught my eye, too! The fact that the Guinness was in both the ice cream and the topping was a bonus. I'll need to see everyone's IDs before I serve this!

    5Star - Thank you so much! I think that recipe will be well-used!

    Foodcreate - I think if I pace myself properly, I stand a good chance of trying all of these before the end of the year! 8-)

    Greg - Thank you so much for entering your Homemade Cherry Garcia! I hope you'll enjoy the Stonyfield coupons.

    Curiousdomestic - "Homemade is the bombe" [LOL] I'm happy I have a machine but please note that many of these recipes have instructions to make without one. Hope you'll give it a try!

    ScottySnacks - you rock, co-host!

    Leela - Congratulations on your Stonyfield prize!! Your Purple Potato Creamsicles have been racking up the accolades all summer. You may just have to package and start selling them . . .!

    SoCal Pastry Chef - Thank you! I had terrific co-hosts who led the way!

    Miranda - Ice cream/frozen desserts is so universal; it was so great to see some international entries! Maybe we should consider another Ice Cream Social for when it's summer in the Southern Hemisphere during our winter!

  36. (Replies, cont'd)

    Wizzy - You haven't read some of my earliers posts: I'm the Queen of Long-winded Blogging! 8-D Congratulations on winning a prize and thank you so very much for participating. I'm so happy that you found out about it just in the nick of time!

    Deeba - Congratulations and thank you so much for participating! Your photograph was so lovely - I just wanted to pick up that spoon immediately! Please be sure to e-mail us your mailing info so that we can send your wall graphic prize to you!

    History of Greek Food - Mariana, thank you so much! We were so pleased with the response and everyone deserves such applause for their creativity!

    Kris - Phyllis told me how confident you were about it but you certainly were right! 8-D Those coupons will be on their way soon - don't forget to share with your lovely wife! 8-D

    Lori - It was harder than I imagined! I truly wish we had more prizes to give away because everyone deserved it. Thanks so much for participating!

    Jackie - I know what you mean! When I saw Greg's post for the first time, I immediately thought about the cherries in my fridge. Unfortunately, they had gone 'furry' on me before I could use them. So now, I'd better get going before the season ends . . .

    Nora - Thank you! I want 'em all, too. The recipes sound wonderful on their own but seeing what the ice cream looks like really whets the appetite, doesn't it?

    Science Bloggers Association - Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoyed these treats!

  37. Really an awesome sweet round-up how many flavors, colors and photos…congrats to the winners!!

    So many workouts I’ll need after seeing all the sweeties and I’m winter a little difficult for ice creams…:)



  38. wow...That is tempting...I really need to have some ice-cream right now

  39. oh what a great, refreshing and sweet event! thanks for hosting it and thanks for this great round-up of delicious recipes. I feel like trying them all... if only I had an ice crem machine :(

  40. what great icecream and fun I need to make it now!!!

  41. I am an absolute ice cream junkie! Sounds like so much fun.

  42. Well I've always thought ice cream was appropriate for any meal, even breakfast. My goodness such delicious combinations and flavors. I want to try them all now. The hardest part would be deciding which ice cream to dig my spoon into first.

  43. Wow! What an awesome array of interesting and innovative flavours! I think I'll need to buy me an ice cream maker in prep for our Aussie summer..

  44. Love the photos, especially because photographing ice cream can be quite challenging. Mmm, the Guinness brown bread ice cream has me quite intrigued. I can almost taste the bitter, hoppy, almost-coffee-like flavor. And crunchy brown bread croutons? What's not to like?

  45. your photos just made me crave for ice cream and reminded me i still have a tub of cranberry ice cream in the freezer...on my way down to get it! hahaha!

  46. Those flavors...they sound divine, all of them!

  47. My 1st visit to your blog and got killed straightaway! This is truly death by ice-creams...a REALLY, REALLY good death btw! Love your blog, do keep yr engine running. Cheers!

  48. What a delicious round-up! I wish I could taste test everything.

    Congrats to all the winners!

  49. how wonderful to see blogging lessons at the farmers market! love the write up!

  50. Very delicious and well presented display of ice creams :) xx

  51. Just looking at the pictures is already so satisfying. Give me that same feeling like when I'm at an icecream store.

  52. Oooo! Talk about late . . . many apologies!!

    Gera - Thank you on behalf of the winners! Now that spring, and soon summer, is on its way in Uruguay, you can start thinking about making these recipes!

    Phanitha - Aren't they delicious-looking?

    Marta - Thank you! My co-hosts Scott and Jennifer deserve so much credit. I hope you'll try some of them - I think that there are a couple that don't need a machine!

    Chow and Chatter - Summer is still hanging in there! Definitely make some . . .

    Maris - Me, too! Good thing I'm also a bit lazy - otherwise, I'd be making ice cream every day! 8-)

    Gastroanthropologist - I was so amazed at the amazing combinations and flavors that everyone came up with. And there are so many more out there!

    Forager - Now that summer is on its way in Australia, I hope you get that machine!

    Carolyn - Our entrants did a great job with their photos. I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to take pix of something that's melting every second. I think that all of us are quite curious about Guinness ice cream!

    MrsLavendula - I can never resist temptation either! Hope you enjoyed your cranberry ice cream - sounds delicious!

    Indie.Tea - Don't they? Wish I could try them all!

    Nyonya Pendek Melaka - Thank you so much and welcome! So glad your first time was with these great treats!!

    Reeni - On their behalf, thank you! They did a wonderful job with these recipes. I want to try them all but in the interest of weight, I may take a couple of months to do so!

    Sala - Thank you so much! It's such a great source of inspiration. 8-)

    Ricardo - Thanks! Wish I could try it all!

    MyCollegeKitchen - I know what you mean! It's a lot less caloric enjoying them this way! 8-D


Thank you so much for reading my post! I truly appreciate any and all comments; however, my apologies if it takes me a few days to respond. I promise that I do read them and will reply as soon as possible.