
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Produce and Productivity

Atcharang (Pickled) Kohlrabi

Ah, summertime - when the livin' is easy but the bloggin' is not.

Maybe it's brain freeze from all that ice cream in July but whatever the cause, the sunny rays of blog inspiration have been obscured recently by dreary clouds of inertia and writer's block. I haven't posted in nearly two weeks.

Why have I stalled now - when the days are hot, the drinks are cold and fresh food is as close as plucking a perfect, vine-ripened tomato from my own garden? This is the season for farmer's markets, where early-morning shoppers jostle for space between rows of vibrant, fresh produce, and for county fairs, where the air is thick with the scent of roasted sweet corn. There are brats, 'dogs and steaks to be grilled and fruity, frosty cocktails to be sipped. With so much delicious fare to consume, I'm like the well-nurtured zucchini that we planted in our garden last year, bursting forth with more fruit (ideas) than I thought possible.

So, what's the problem? Like those zucchini plants, my blogging was started with enthusiasm and optimism over what it may yield, but I didn't realize that it might overwhelm me. And as with last summer's zaftig zukes, the only immediate solution has been to put everything in the freezer until I figure out what to do next.

Now, in search of a way to thaw out my blog, I've been visiting my favorite food bloggers for guidance on style, content and voice, hoping to find in their work a spark of inspiration for my own. But as it turns out, I've been looking in the wrong place: the answer isn't found in the virtual reality of the blogosphere, but rather in a much more real atmosphere.

Minneapolis Farmer's Market Annex

From Produce to Productivity

Since Twin Cities' outdoor markets opened for the season in late April, I've visited as many and as often as I can: small but nearby Excelsior on Thursdays, and alternating between the Minneapolis and Mill City markets on Saturdays. I've wandered the aisles, picking up bunches of lettuce and pots of herbs, sampling honey, cheese and sausages, and wondering what the odd-looking vegetables might taste like. A few times, I've taken my camera along to try and capture just a bit of the energy that hums between vendors and customers.

It was while scrolling through these photos recently that the clouds hovering over me suddenly parted. There, in picture after picture of local farmers, vendors and their wonderfully fresh food, was the guidance for which I'd been searching:

7 Lessons for Blogging That I Learned from the Farmer's Market

The Chef Shack, Mill City Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market Lesson #1: Keep the display simple and the content unique

As demonstrated by The Chef Shack, which parks its tasty self at Mill City on Saturdays and at Kingfield on Sundays, a simple, unassuming vehicle can hold the most delicious and complex content. No fussy signs or huge menu - the Shack simply turns humdrum lunch-truck fare (sandwich) into yum-yum gourmet-on-wheels (soft-shelled crab sandies).

Blog Takeaway: There are some gorgeously designed websites out there, but without professional help or mad coding skills, it's hard to match their visual appeal. Instead, I'll tweak my template as best I can and focus my energies on content. With so many food bloggers posting, there's bound to be some overlap in topics and I can set myself apart by putting my own tangled spin on them.

Bee Moua stand, Minneapolis Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market Lesson #2: Keep your content fresh . . .

No one wants the wilted bunch of greenery that's been sitting out all day, so there's a constant turnover of foodstuff on market tables. Even if it's basket after basket of the same variety of vegetable, the offerings are continuously replenished for the next customer.

Blog Takeaway: The key to keeping a blog fresh is to regularly post new content, which often depends on a continuous stream of original ideas. But if the well sometimes dries up, an alternative is to revive old posts by updating the information or exploring a different perspective. Both recent followers, who may have not seen it before, and returning readers, who may have enjoyed it the first time, might find new value in old content.

Kohlrabi from Bergman's, Minneapolis Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market Lesson #3: . . . and keep it natural

The beauty of the farmer's market lies in its imperfect-looking offerings; after all, when a vegetable is going from field to table, there's no time for primping. These foodstuff may not be much to look at in their natural and unadulterated states, but in the hands of an inspired cook, they'll be transformed into lovely meals.

Blog Takeaway: Some of my topics are not exactly the most crowd-pleasing (hello, chicken gizzards!) and I tend to indulge in earnest, term-paper-ish entries. I've considered an overhaul of content, such as adding restaurant reviews or posting more recipes minus the long-winded narratives, but they seem like artificial additives. Instead, I'll continue to write what comes naturally (with more prudent editing) and leave it to the reader to make of it what they will.

Farmer's Market Lesson #4: Variety is great but so is a single specialty

Throughout the market, there are many single specialty producers who focus on what they know best - be it fresh trout, sweet honey or hearty wild rice. There is great variety within their goods - the distinctive flavors of Ames Farm honeys, for instance, vary depending on the bees' flower sources - but by concentrating on a sole product, these farmers and artisans accumulate knowledge that make them trusted and authoritative resources about their particular foodstuff.

Blog Takeaway: I started this blog because I wanted to explore our complicated social and personal connections to food. While I include recipes and have considered doing restaurant reviews to offer more variety, the sociocultural study of food is what I know best. So, I'll leave the reviews and original recipe development to those more adept. By narrowing the nexus of my blog, I hope that instead of limiting my scope, it will free me to offer the most informative and trusted content possible.

Samantha and Tou of Nao Tou Yang Farms,
Minneapolis Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market Lesson #5: Make the commitment to success

Even before they make their way to the market, farmers like Tou and Samantha of Nao Tou Yang Farms and Greenhouses devote their days to planting, tending, harvesting and preparing the marvelous food we enjoy. There are no shortcuts, no half-hearted effort, no "I'll do it tomorrow". Their dedication is rewarded by loyal customers like me, who have come to recognize and deeply appreciate the hard work and personal pride that go into their produce.

Blog Takeaway: The level of quality reflects the level of effort. Unlike farming, blogging doesn't require a 24/7 commitment but it does need more than just minimal attention. One way to nurture my blog is to set aside proper time to do research and writing with diligence and consistency. If I truly want my blog to be more than just an outlet for my rambling thoughts, then I need to make the proper investment.

Farmer's Market Lesson #6: Everything has its time

You can't always find what you want when you want them: fresh produce have their seasons and not a moment sooner or later will they appear. Certainly, out of season (and out of region) fruits and vegetables are readily available, but they are not the best of what the farmer's market has to offer. Patience for the right season is rewarded with the most flavorful food imaginable.

Blog Takeaway: Blogging regularly is important, but there are occasions when a post has to develop at its own pace. I've found that rushing only results in stressed nerves and an underdeveloped entry. This post, for instance, took four days to finish and comes nearly two weeks after my last one. Although I could have published it earlier, the extra time allowed me to polish it to my satisfaction. I would like to establish a more precise publishing schedule, but in the end, a good-but-late post is infinitely better than a slapdash punctual one.

Young vendors at Mill City & Minneapolis Farmer's Markets

Farmer's Market Lesson #7: Keep that youthful energy

The people of all ethnicities and ages who throng farmer's markets generate an energy that is unmatched by the sugar-high of pastries or caffeine kick of a cuppa joe. It's common to see several generations of a family browsing the aisles, but it is particularly heartening to see the youngsters who are setting out vegetables, arranging flowers and helping customers as they learn the family business. They emanate enthusiasm and optimism that draw in customers and allow us to glimpse the bright future of local farming.

Blog Takeaway: One look at the shining faces in the photo above and it's not hard to recognize the simple joy these kids take in participating at the market. While I can't turn back the clock, I can certainly try to recapture the same enthusiastic and optimistic energy of being a bright-eyed new blogger by remembering the most important thing: blogging is FUN!

The next time you're at the farmer's market, take a good look around - perhaps you'll find your own lessons among the squash blossoms, sweet corn and sun-ripened tomatoes!

Atcharang Kohlrabi
The Minneapolis Farmer's Market has been a source of culinary inspiration for me, as I try to be a more imaginative and fluid cook. Normally, I shop for ingredients based on the recipe at hand, but recently, I've been picking up unfamiliar produce and challenging myself to find a tasty use for them.

Kohlrabi's rather alien shape has always intrigued me and after learning about its taste and texture, I thought it would make a perfect main ingredient for atchara (atsara), a pickled green papaya salad from the Philippines, often used to accompany fried or grilled foods. I've been wanting to make it but it has proven nearly impossible to find green (unripe) papaya in my area. Kohlrabi's mild, slightly sweet flavor and crunchy texture seemed the perfect substitute.

I settled on an atchara recipe from Marvin at Burnt Lumpia, which I followed closely except for a couple of substitutions (other than kohlrabi). My use of red onions, for instance, resulted in a pretty pink hue to the atchara. I also found that the longer it sets, the sweeter and less vinegary the flavor becomes; so, refrigerating it at least overnight is recommended before serving. This is a refrigerator pickling, therefore no sterilization or other canning methods are necessary. However, Marvin notes that the atchara will keep this way only for about a week.


Coconut vinegar*
Brown sugar
Ginger, julienned
Garlic, chopped
4-5 small kohlrabi* (about 2 lbs), shredded or julienned
Carrots, shredded or julienned
Red onion*, sliced thinly
Salt and pepper
Red pepper flakes
Black sesame seeds*

(*Substitutions for or additions to original ingredients)

Vinegar, sugar, salt, ginger and garlic are combined in a saucepan and brought to a boil. After a short simmer, the mixture is removed from heat and allowed to cool to room temperature. In the meantime, the kohlrabi is quickly blanched in boiling water, drained, and combined with the carrots and onions. The cooled vinegar mixture is then poured over the vegetables, seasoned to taste with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes and mixed well. The atchara is refrigerated at least over night before serving.

Suggested serving: as a topping for wild rice bratwurst!


  1. Love these tie-ins! Had no idea there were so many lessons to be learned from the farmer's market, but your parallels are totally true.

    I now feel like a smarter blogger, and cook. That is a lot of bang for my (virtual) buck.

  2. Loved how you stuffed your bánh mì with kohlrabi. It's so much sweeter than daikon. Love it!

  3. Banh Mi with Kohlrabi, yummy!!

  4. Hehe I'm like you. Sometimes I wonder whether I'm 'talking' too much and that I should just shut up and get on with the post/recipe! But as you wrote, 'keep it natural', and I'm just someone who isn't afraid to tell a story or reveal silly tidbits of my oh-so -exciting (ahem *cough*) life.

    Glad to see you 'back'. Don't stay away again for too long :( xx

  5. Awesome post! Found you via @foodieprints via twitter. Ibhave been in a slump for many weeks now, & your post came at just the perfect time. Great blog you have!

  6. This is a great post! Love all your suggestions, and love you!

  7. This post is an inspiration to me because I've been having writers block on my book. I figured it just happened from time to time. I liked very much how you demonstrated the parallel between the market and your blog. Well done. And of course I'm thrilled you're back. Like others, I missed you.

    I've never fixed a dish with kohlrabi and I too normally shop for ingredients based on a recipe. I like your results. We let fennel from the farmers market inspire us this weekend and try it for the (hate to admit) first time.

  8. Truly inspiring post! I hope you don't mind if I tweet this!

  9. Great way to use kohlrabi! This vegetable is so underrated.

    Being the linguist that I am, I can't help noticing that when the word atchara as a stand-alone takes on the -ng ending when used in conjunction with another word. I've seen this pattern in other phrases with the same construction as well. Hmm. Tagalog is fascinating. Maybe I should try to learn it.

  10. I love your new's gorgeous. And what an awesome post...worth the 2 week wait, I'd say :D I love the way you brought everything together and made sense of it all. Great reminder for us all. I never tire of reading your posts :) Plus, your food...looks delicious!

  11. Great post!!! Definitely worth waiting for!

  12. Love Kohlrabi, delicious and crunchy salad for summer. Fantastic idea of putting this with sausage. Delicious.

  13. I've never tried kohlrabi... in fact, I'm not sure I've seen it in any of the stores around here. I haven't been able to get to a single farmers market this year, I'm totally going through withdrawal!

  14. Very good tips on blogging. Sometimes I feel like my posts are "stale" too. I'd add two more tips to your list:

    - be yourself
    - have fun!!!

  15. Atchara on brats! Sudden hunger alert!! I'm kind of chuckling at the idea of atcharang kolhrabi-- we don't even have a word for kolhrabi here! :)
    Thanks for the tips. Just relax and I think you're most successful at what I find so appealing about the blog-- you have a unique voice. Keep it up!

  16. Wow, I never tried kolrabi this way. In fact I am always puzzled when it comes down to it. I used it several times to replace the asian green gourd in some Indonesian recipes, and it worked well. This pickle recipe looks very nice.. (I loveee pickles of any types.) I would certainly tried this one.. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I always love your posts because they give me glimpse into your life & personality - definitely worth waiting for! Thanks for sharing these wonderful insights. I can't wait for the next installment - even if it's a week, or two, or three away ;-)

  18. Great post, very excellent lessons learned, I agree with all of them! I also love the picture of the bratwurst!

  19. well written and excellent post!

    blog takeaway -just be myself it works for everyone else why not me too


  20. Where to start:
    1. Love new tempate and header (mine almost ready) and think you did a great job.

    2. I truly appreciate that you take your time and do not rush your posts. I get to come here to read and learn AND look.

    3. Thank you for the blogging lessons and insight.

    4. XO!

  21. Thanks for the inspiring post and blogging lessons! Sometimes I get stuck in a rut and wonder why I blog. It's got to be fun and you have to be passionate about your subject, otherwise there's no point investing so much time into blogging. PS I love kohlrabi, cooked Chinese style of course!

  22. nice... i was wondering what you'd do with the kohlrabi mixture. i bet it's great on that bratwurst.

  23. I come here for my regular meal of tangled noodle, which is best-served without any artificial additives, always with a twist and which I love, not least because it's a dish which I can't get easily elsewhere. And if there's a two week wait, well then, so be it. I am happy to wait, knowing that the result will have been well worth it!

  24. I love atchara. You can make whole back and it won't spoil. It's always great way after its made. Yum!!

    Great lesson on farmer's markets. I can't get enough of them.

  25. Great zucchini analogy and I can relate to the kitchen block myself. I love atchara and am now curious about what it tastes like made with Kohlrabi. I guess I'll have to make some and find out.

  26. This looks delicious and so refreshing for the summer! You've reminded me of the great atchara my aunts used to make. It's great catching up with your blog with all the delicious entries you've posted recently and hopefully I'll have more in the future to stop by and comment!

  27. Definitely an inspiring post, these are great lessons to learn for all of us for sure. For me also an important learning curve was a balance between spending time with family and blogging. It's especially not easy in the summer.

    Kohlrabi sounds like a interesting ingredient. I have not cooked with it yet and looking forward to trying.

  28. What a great way to kohlrabi, and it looks delicious on the bratwurst! I've never tried coconut vinegar, so I'll have to look for it.

  29. love the idea used in ye bánh mì with kohlrabi!! TN this is great post!!

  30. Oh now I need to pickle that kohlrabi in the fridge!

  31. wow this is all so cool!!!! I love all the tips and that looks delicious!

  32. Hi TN, I love your blog just the way it is! No need for thawing :)
    I love your showcase of the twin-cities farmers markets but I think I've violated several if not all of those lessons (ie. 'keep it fresh'- I'm still writing about my trip to Vancouver in May, LOL). But I agree with Palidor's tips - 'be yourself and have fun!'
    And gorgeous photo of the pickled kohlrabi, it sounds delicious in this recipe (I've always been nervous to use it too because of it's strange shape)

  33. Awesome ! Love all the ingredients and your photos are so Lovely !

    Thanks You ! for sharing your recipes and your photos.

    Have a wonderful Day ~

  34. This makes a great appetiser as well! Totalyl agree with 'Variety is great but so is a single specialty'.

  35. Always well put and on point! Your posts never fail to be intelligent, informational and fun. Nice connections you've made, and they are all so true.

  36. Thank you all for your wonderful comments - now go on and get yourself some kohlrabi! 8-)

    Rachel - I'm pleased to have offered such a bargain! 8-) Hope you're enjoying Beantown and not missing the kiddo too badly.

    Jackie - I had never tasted kohlrabi before and relied on others' descriptions of it. What a pleasant surprise and definitely sweeter than daikon. I'm going to try another recipe that calls for long-term canning techniques so that I can big batches for future use!

    KennyT - Thank you! It turned out to be a delicious combo!

    Karen - I really feel rejuvenated after being so 'blah' for the past couple of weeks! You know I love your tweets and posts - don't ever change them!

    LaDue & Crew - Oh, thank you! I think we all suffer from blog slump at some point and I expect this won't be my last but for now, I think I've regained my stride! I just visited your blog - such delicious recipes but I have to give the love to your cakes, pies, tarts, galettes, etc. Awesome!

    Fahrenheit350 - Thank you so much! The farmer's market certainly held a lot more than just fresh produce. 8-)

    Sam - This was perhaps the worst bout yet of writer's block for me; usually, I can walk away from a project or paper for a few hours and be able to return and pick up immediately. I know it won't be my last but hopefully, I'll remember that it always works itself out in the end! I don't plan to be away for so long again (with the exception of time off for a fabulous vacation!)

    I was think fennel this weekend, too! I saw it at the market but I had picked up a couple of other strange, new produce that I need to fix first. Would love to see what you did with your fennel!

    Pam - Thanks so much for the tweet. But now, after visiting your blog, I have spatchcocked chickens on the brain! 8-D

    Leela - I had no idea that kohlrabi would be so delicious; I was actually munching it on it raw as I made the atchara.

    Your linguistic analysis is so fascinating to me! Another example is adobo, as in 'adobong manok' [chicken]). But I've also noticed that instead of the 'ng' ending, the first syllable is instead repeated, e.g. pait (bitter) is papaitan kambing (bitter goat stew) or there is a rearrangement of letters in the middle of the word, e.g. ihawan (grill/roast) becomes pork inihaw. Too bad I only know words here and there of Tagalog!

    Girlichef - Thank you! I've spent WAY more time goofing around with it than I should have but I like the additions. I'm so glad you like it and the post! 8-)

    Spryte - Thank you! It's been too long since I visited you - hope all is well!

    Elra - Kohlrabi is my new favorite vegetable! Next, I'm going to try a stirfry but I will also definitely try it raw in a salad, as you've suggested.

    Bob - Oh, no! I hope you get a chance to hit an outdoor market before it starts to get too cool! Honestly, I don't know if I would ever have tried kohlrabi if I hadn't been in an adventurous mood that day! 8-)

    Palidor - Thank you for the additional tips: they are actually the most important ones. I'm regaining both senses! 8-)

    Manggy - I can't find any green papaya here but I so badly wanted to make atchara! A fruit substituted by a veggie but it wasn't bad at all. 8-)

    Thank you for your encouragement: it means a lot, as I admire your blog tremendously. 'Relax' is definitely the key word here!!

    Sari - You're most welcome! I knew nothing about kohlrabi when I picked it up but everyone I asked mentioned its sweet flavor and firm texture, which is how I got the idea to substitute it for green papaya! My tastes are definitely changing - I have grown to love spicy and pickled flavors. Guess that means kimchi is next! 8-)

    ValleyWriter - Thank you so much! I really do love blogging and just hit a weird patch. But I think my batteries are recharged; hopefully, it won't be too long between posts!


  37. I'm back! 8-D

    Kelsey - I can honestly report that the bratwurst w/pickled kohlrabi is an excellent combo! Thanks for your comment. 8-)

    Doggybloggy - Thank you so much! The key for me to be myself is to remember why I started this in the first place. Lately, I've been too caught up in stats, clicks, etc. Sigh. Thanks for your words of wisdom!

    Jennifer - 1. Thank you! You can't imagine how many headers I went through.
    2. I really appreciate your friendship and support!
    3. You're welcome! I plan to adhere to these lessons and I'm happy if you find them helpful, too! 8-)
    4. XO, right back atcha!

    Helen - That was how I was feeling (rather pitiful of me, I know) lately but I think I've regained my equilibrium and blogging mojo! Now, you've piqued my curiosity regarding Chinese-style kohlrabi . . .

    Justin - After a couple of days in the 'fridge, the pickled kohlrabi turned mellow but still with a nice tartness, and paired really well with the brat!

    Spud - Many, many thanks, dear friend! I need only read your blog to lift my spirits. Speaking of which, I'm late! Will be over to visit after I'm done here . . .

    Jenn - I've been visiting the markets with new eyes: I used to only pick up tomatoes and lettuce. Sheesh! As for atchara, I fell in love with it during our trip to PI in Dec; I wanted to bring back jars but worried they would break. Now, I'll just make it myself!

    Marc - Thank you! I hope you do make atcharang kohlrabi: I'd love to see what you do with it. Marvin's recipe was quite straightforward but there are a few out there that are a bit more involved.

    Joelen - You are a much better blog reader/friend than me: I've been lurking and seeing your blog posts but haven't stopped to comment in months! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave me a comment!

    5 Star - Oh, yes! You are so right about family. It's great that your posts usually involve your family activities; my husband is very supportive and patient but I'm trying to make sure that I don't choose blogging over spending time with him! Definitely give kohlrabi a try - I'd love to see what you can do with it! 8-)

    Lisa - Coconut vinegar is more mild and a bit sweeter than white vinegar (and even apple cider). You should be able to find it in most Asian stores!

    Nora - Thank you! This pickling is really a great sandwich addition - I'll have to make more, soon!

    Kat - Don't be surprised if I ping you with canning questions! I'd like to make this atchara so that it can be stored unrefrigerated and you've are a canning pro! (BTW, I told my MIL about your canned honey and she's definitely interested in joining me in making some!)

    Gaby - Thanks! I hope all is going well with culinary school. Funny, you'll be graduating just when I'm starting a new semester but my classes won't be as delicious! 8-)

    Phyllis - Thank you so much! And by 'fresh', I was thinking more about blogging regularly, which you do! I love your blogs about your travel adventures and I love how you pace it - just a bit at a time to keep me hungry! 8-)

    As for the kohlrabi, the shape is really weird (reminds me of the little 3-eyed alien toys in Toy Story!) But I can vouch for the flavor - really tasty!

    Foodcreate - Thank you! Marvin at Burnt Lumpia deserves most of the credit - I just swapped out a couple of things. But atchara is such a delicious side dish or condiment!

    Pigpigscorner - Absolutely! In fact, Mr. Noodle preferred to eat it as a 'salad' rather than on top of his bratwurst. As for 'variety', my problem is that I stretch myself thin trying to do many things that I know a little bit about instead of concentrating on the single thing I'm really good at! 8-)

    Duo Dishes - Thank you so much for such kind words! They're greatly appreciated and I'm so happy you enjoyed the post. 8-)

  38. I like the way you've related your writer's block and blog inspiration to Farmer's Markets. Such discrete elements one wouldn't think to look there for inspiration! Glad you found your mojo there though as a sneak peek into Minneapolis Farmer's markets is interesting - looks like there is a strong Asian population there. Wouldn't have guessed that!

  39. brilliant photos of the market; makes me wish i was there

    i've made a similar salad with kohlrabi, a peculiar vagetable in the mediterranean world - love the idea of putting in a sandwich

  40. What a wonderful topping for your brat! I love your posts - they are so thoughtful and your write beautifully. Worth the wait if they need time thawing....

  41. So many uses for kohlrabi! I have been wracking my brain trying to think of something to do with it too. I see at the Market and it calls my name. I am going to be in Minneapolis on Aug 25 for less than 2 hours. Airport only! Any must see sights at the airport. Any food there? GREG

  42. I bet this would be delicious on a fish taco!

    Sometimes taking a step back and reassessing things is necessary. It's good to take a breather once in a while and come back fresh. We can all take something away from your lessons. This was a wonderful post!

  43. The farmers markets are always a good source of inspiration! The brat looks delicious and unique.

  44. Looks like you made up for lost time with this post--very well done. Great tips.
    No need to feel guilty for taking time off to enjoy summer...isn't that what summer is all about?

  45. I hate kohlrabi... i guess it was the way it was cooked with typical Indian masala that kind of turned me off. This is a refreshing recipe for a change...seems like i am going to try this one.

  46. I really loved your lessons on keeping away the bloggers' blues.

    I've never had kohlrabi in relish form, but since these veggies are becoming increasingly available in Manila markets, I'd love to give preserving them a try.

  47. definitely on my "to cook list" before the year papaya is easily available where i parents have a couple of trees as well...

  48. hi! stumbled on your blog from twitter - great blog and STUNNNNINGGGG photographs!

  49. Nice to know that I'm not the only one who's falling behind! ;-) I love the kohlrabi - I just saw some at my farmer's market this morning but I didn't know what to do with it in this warm weather. I might pick some up on Saturday.

  50. Catching up blogs in the middle of the week...excellent post, fresh and informative like the market...the better is that the world take notice of it, twitter I'm going there with it :)



  51. I totally agree with your very first sentence - kind of how I've been feeling lately. But worry not, your writing is as wonderful as always!

  52. I'm going to sound like a broken record, but I second all the other responses that said they loved your posts just the way they are - fresh, unique, you have a very strong voice and not one found anywhere else.

    I love kohlrabi and agree its an underrated veggie that deserves much more attention - it just occurred to me that now you've raised awareness I'll have a hard time getting it.

  53. It was a very impressing blog post I was really taken by it...thanks for sharing xxxx

  54. we have a heatwave therefore I have writers' block too. yeah, that's it.
    I can eat kohlrabi with a spoon, nooo problem.

  55. What a great post! How creative that you tied all these ideas in and each one rings true. I think consistent, long-term blogging takes the commitment and thought you have presented. It really is more work than most think when first starting out. Rewarding, enjoyable work, but still work. :)

    I have yet to try kohlrabi. I am intrigued though and your way of using it sounds great to me. That brat looks awesome!

  56. Good news: I finished a new post! Bad news: I'm late with replies again. Sheesh.

    Forager - There is a good-sized Asian population in Minnesota but the Hmong community in particular has been credited with helping to make farmer's markets so active and diverse in the state. I never thought I'd get blogging lessons from such a source but there they were! 8-)

    Medierranean Kiwi - I feel the same way when you talk about all the fresh produce you get just from your own garden!

    Gastroanthropologist - Thank you so much! I feel re-focused so I'm hopeful I can sustain the momentum!

    Greg - So we'll be in the same city for 2 hours - cool! 8-) Safe travels to FL! As for kohlrabi, this is the only thing I've come up with so far but I really like its flavor and texture. I'd love to find more uses!

    Reeni - Oh, I didn't think of that! Now you're giving me ideas . . . The break - and knowing that others go through the burnout - really helped me to get myself together! Thanks so much!

    Sarah - I'm on a total Farmer's Market love-fest! I can honestly say that it's been the single biggest food inspiration for me right now. All my posts have been mentioning it and there's more to come . . . ! 8-)

    Table Talk - I did feel a bit guilty but the rest felt soooo good! 8-) Thanks so much!

    Bergamot - I never had kohlrabi before this; a few years ago, I know I wouldn't have even considered eating it. But now, I'm hooked! I hope you give it a chance. 8-)

    Midge - That's great to hear! Manggy at No Special Effects pointed out that there's no Tagalog word for kohlrabi so I wasn't sure if it's even there! I'll trade you for some green papaya! 8-P

    Beancounter - Lucky! I'm sure that if I look hard enough, I may find green papaya but so far, zero!

    And thanks re: blog design - I spent way too much time fussing over it! Now wonder I didn't post for 2 weeks! ;-)

    Catty - Glad you stumbled by! It gave me a chance to discover your awesome and so-funny blog!!

    Taste Traveller - If you have a different way of preparing kohlrabi, please share! I'd love to find more recipes for it, now that I know how good it tastes! And here's to a bit of a blog break for all of us!

    Gera - Thank you so much for you comment and the tweet! You're so sweet!! Look, a rhyme! 8-D

    Nutrition to Kitchen - Thank you so much! I feel refreshed so I hope to keep the energy up. Maybe some sangria will help . . . 8-D

    Divina - Thank you for coming by! Glad you enjoyed it!

    OysterCulture - Thanks so much! I've indulged too much in a self-pity party recently but I've finally snapped out of it and am back to enjoying this blogging stuff! 8-D In the meantime, you've been a busy blogger - I think I've fallen at least a couple of posts behind. I promise to catch up soon!

    Ricardo - Thank you! I'm hoping that I've got my blogging spirit back!

    Dawn - There's something about summer that really makes one feel like just lying back with a tall, cool drink and not worry about anything!

    Lori - The pickled kohlrabi with the brat was really good; next, I'm going to try it raw and shredded in salad, as many have suggested.

    Thanks so much for your comment! I really do love blogging but I lost focus on what I wanted to do. It was so confusing so I'm glad I stepped back for just a bit. Now it's fun again and I hope it stays that way! 8-)

  57. Thanks for the shoutout on this. Your version looks fantastic! And I've actually topped a longanisa in a hot dog bun w/atchara like you did bratwurst.

    Also, I'm sure the atchara would last much longer than a week in the fridge, but I'm always paranoid telling people how long something will last before it spoils or makes them sick:)

  58. Marvin - Thanks for your comment! I rediscovered the joys of atchara last December when we visited my parents in Manila. I had it w/my longsilog breakfast - soooo delicious!
    I appreciate the note about how long it would last in the fridge. I totally agree with you it's better to be safe than sorry. My atcharang kohlrabi did in fact last several weeks; I did the sniff test before each serving! 8-)

  59. I love the lessons - they are definitely to be taken to heart, lately I've neglected my own blog (and hobbies) and feel like refocusing is necessary. Your tips are good ones and I particularly loved you comment about adding your own 'tangled' information to the mix, the mix of intellectual and food on your blog is what keeps me coming back!

  60. I do the same thing. I go to the farmers market here in FL (It is huge..Hundreds of venders)

    I buy what looks good and give it a try.

    I am kind of mad at myself. They had okra that looked amazing, but I have no idea what to do with Okra and I was to chicken to try. Next week I will pick some up and dive out of my comfort zone.

  61. Hornsfan - Thank you so much! I was really starting to question how I was writing my blog but have come to the realization that I can't 'fake' my way through it. I have to stick to what I know best and I'm happy to hear that you've enjoyed it!

    I think it really does help to step back, reassess and re-charge! 8-)

    Miranda - I do the same thing: I see so much that I'd like to try but can only buy (and use) so much in one week. But the great part is that we can go back again! 8-)

  62. thanks for the lessons.. now i'll always remember you whenever i go to market... and hopefully i'd get a few lessons myself.

  63. Hi! I'm looking for atchara recipe on your site, and found one of my favorite veggies: KOHLRABI!

    I use kohlrabi in lieu of green papaya and chayote when I make tinola! Surely, perfect for atchara.



Thank you so much for reading my post! I truly appreciate any and all comments; however, my apologies if it takes me a few days to respond. I promise that I do read them and will reply as soon as possible.