
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Eu Sou Brazilipino!

Frigideira de Siri (Bahian Crab Bake)

"It is the harmony of the diverse parts, their symmetry, their happy balance; in a word it is all that introduces order, all that give unity, that permits us to see clearly and to comprehend at once both the ensemble and the details." 
-- Henri Poincaré

The symmetry of Nature, as the physicist-philosopher Poincaré observed, is indeed a happy balance between the seemingly carefree designs of 'naturally occurring' objects and the repetitive patterns that point to a more restrained and logical order. From radial snowflakes and Fibonacci sunflowers to wallpaper honeycombs and honeybee stripes, symmetry is naturally, mathematically beautiful. 

Too bad that math and I are like chalk and cheese.

It might explain why I sometimes find the standard concepts of symmetry - repetition, mirror images, proportionality - downright boring at times. Much more fun are the unpredictable affinities between two seemingly disparate subjects whose diffences actually reveal their own kind of symmetry.

Take for instance the countries of Brazil and the Philippines. The latter is my birthplace, so a strong connection is ingrained, but the former is still only a dream destination with which I'm deeply fascinated. Ever since my husband returned from his travels in Brazil, laden with sweet treats, vivid photos and stories of wonderful people and interesting places, I've been hooked. So, I make feijoada just as often as I prepare pancit, while Mr. Noodle can mix up a caipirinha in his sleep, and together we plan our Brazilian itinerary, in preparation for the trip we someday hope to make.

Feijoada: Black Beans with Linguiça and Pork
Served with orange slices, rice and sautéed kale

Eu Sou Brazilipino

Last year, I wrote a post about my sense of belonging during a trip to Ireland, declaring myself Filip-Irish and listing how the two nations were so alike. Now, I'm feeling a similar inkling for Brazil. How's that, given I've never even been there? As it turns out, beneath their obvious differences, the Philippines and Brazil have the unmistakable symmetry of being opposite ends of the same spectrum. So, to borrow from my earlier post, I present:

Separated at Birth? Part II
Four Intriguingly Symmetrical Differences 
Between the Philippines and Brazil

1. Geography - Comparing these two countries is like holding one up to a funhouse mirror and getting an opposite shape in reflection. Brazil is primarily one enormous territory, with over 8.5 million square kilometers of land mass, making it the 5th largest country by area. It so dominates South American geography that it shares a border with every nation on the continent except two (Chile and Ecuador). In total contrast, The Philippines is not only just 1/3 the size of its Western Hemisphere counterpart, it is also broken up into bits - 7,107 islands, to be precise. But as an archipelago, las islas Filipinas doesn't have to share its borders with anyone, so its coastline stretches for an astonishing 36, 289 km - five times longer than Brazil's famous beaches and the 4th longest coastline in the world. Not too shabby for either.

(Source: CIA World Factbook - Brazil and Philippines)

Spanish colonies in red, Portuguese colonies in purple
(Image from

2. Colonial History - I could simply restate the fact that both countries belong to the Former European Colonies Club and leave it at that. But then, we'd miss out on all the fun little connecting threads, such as how Brazil was discovered by Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral, who died in 1520, just one year before another Portuguese adventurer, Ferdinand Magellan, claimed for Spain our cluster of islands, which was later named after his patron, King Philip II. The thread continued with the Philippines as the only Spanish colony in Asia, where Portugal dominated trade, while Brazil was the lone Portuguese territory in Spanish-controlled South America. Finally, both were ruled under the same monarch from 1580 to 1640 when Spanish kings Philip II, III and IV also claimed the Portuguese throne. Doesn't that make us practically siblings?

(Sources: Wikipedia - Portuguese Empire, Spanish Empire, Philip II)

3. Lenten Events - If we're talking about two of the most Roman Catholic countries in the world, then we're talking about some serious religious festivals. When it comes to Lent, the period of abstinence and penance just before Easter, Brazilians and Filipinos demonstrate distinctly different ideas about how to celebrate, which can be summed up in a few words: flesh and blood. While Brazil kicks it off with Carnaval featuring colorful floats, pulsating dance music and scantily-clad samba queens, Filipinos wind it down with the Moriones Festival, during which grown men dress as Roman centurions, a procession of penitents whip themselves bloody and someone is actually nailed to a cross. Sexy samba and self-flagellation . . . like Lenten bookends, no?

(Source: Wikipedia - Brazilian Carnival, Moriones Festival)

4. Sugar and Spirits - Speaking of bookends, Brazil and the Philippines occupy spots 1 and 10, respectively, on the Top Ten list of world sugarcane production. Filipino producers are quickly becoming prominent as a global source of muscovado, a minimally-refined type of sugar, but they're still leagues behind the Brazilians, who kick everyone else's molasses. With nearly 50% more total production than closest competitor India, the South American behemoth is awash in the sweet stuff - so much, in fact, that it can afford to distill pure sugarcane into cachaça, an elixir that is nothing less than a Brazilian national treasure and the key ingredient in caipirinha, the country's signature cocktail. But Filipinos are no slouches in the spirits department: with Philippine sugarcane output at just a fraction of Brazil's, Manila-based Tanduay Distillers instead uses molasses, the by-product of sugar processing, to produce the world's second best selling rum

So what better way to close up these observations on the hidden symmetry between Brazil and the Philippines than to toast them with a potent combination of some of their best products? Courtesy of Mr. Noodle, I am proud to present our own special Brazilipino drink . . .

The Caipinoyra

Recipes for caipirinha note that substitutes for cachaça result in a bit of renaming - when made with vodka, it's a caipiroska, while white rum transforms it into a caipirissima. But in the spirit of blended friendship, Mr. Noodle has blended spirits, using equal parts cachaça and Tanduay's 15-year Rum 1854. Caipirinha is normally clear, but the use of Tanduay rum and raw sugar gives this cocktail a light amber hue. Finally, it would have been ideal to use calamansi, the ubiquitous citrus of the Philippines, but I've never found any in Minnesota. Instead, lemon is used with lime to add a bit more calamansi-like sour flavor to our caipinoyra.

Lemons and limes (or calamansi, if you can get them)
Raw sugar
Cachaça (we used Cachaça 51 brand)
Tanduay Rum 1854
Crushed ice

Mr. Noodle uses a simple '1/3' formula for his concoction - a third each of citrus juice, liquor and crushed ice. To make one drink, squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon and 1 whole lime into a tall glass, reserving some of the fruit peel.  In equal parts, add cachaça and Tanduay rum until glass is about 2/3 full. Add 3 to 4 teaspoons of raw sugar and stir well until sugar is dissolved, then add reserved peel, cut into small slices or pieces. Top with crushed ice and garnish with a citrus wedge.

Tim-tim and Mabuhay!

Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but no matter how delicious the libation, I can't drink on an empty stomach. So let's eat . . .!

Frigideira de Siri (Bahian Crab Bake)
(Adapted from Tasting Brazil, by Jessica B. Harris)

Mr. Noodle's trips to Brazil took him from the urban scene in São Paulo to a remote farm in the western state of Mato Grasso, but one of his favorite places was the coastal city of Salvador, the original capital of Brazil and one of the oldest cities in South America. It is located in the northeastern state of Bahia, whose populace and culture are steeped in African influences, as found in the regional cuisine, which is noted for its use of abundant seafood, coconut milk, and the staple dendê (palm oil) with cooking methods mixing African and Portuguese traditions. (Sources:, Bahia; Wikipedia/Brazilian cuisine)

Despite what its name may look or sound like to English speakers, this dish has nothing to do with refrigerators or cold temperatures. Frigideira refers to an earthenware container used for frying (frigir in Portuguese) and for this recipe in particular, which some have compared to a Spanish tortilla. While I was quite pleased with the flavor and overall result (the husband practically inhaled it), the texture was much softer than I'd expected, perhaps due to my use of a deep casserole. Next time, I will either use a more shallow dish or increase the egg content to firm it up a bit more. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

1 lb crab meat (I used claw meat)
1/4 cup olive oil
1 large onion, coarsely chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 large red bell pepper, diced
2 large tomatoes - peeled, seeded and coarsely chopped
2 Tablespoons cilantro, minced
3/4 cup coconut milk
Salt and black pepper
4 large eggs
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

To make:

Preheat oven to 375°F.

1. In food processor, process 1/2 of crabmeat until almost to a paste consistency, then set aside;
2. In a large skillet, heat olive oil at medium-high heat, then add onions, garlic and red bell pepper. Cook for 1-2 minutes;
3. Add remaining crabmeat, tomatoes and cilantro, mixing well. Cook until onions and peppers are soft;
4. Add coconut milk and the reserved, processed crab meat, stirring well to mix. Add salt and pepper, then reduce heat to low, cover and cook 10 minutes;
5. In the meantime, add red pepper flakes to eggs and beat well. Pour eggs over crab mixture, then stir to combine;
6. Turn off heat and pour egg-crab mixture into a glass or earthenware baking dish and bake for approximately 15-25 minutes**;
7. When done, remove from oven and let stand for about 10 minutes before serving.

**Note: I used a deep, 8" x 8" casserole, which required a baking time of 25 minutes for the dish to set; if using a shallow 9" x 13" pan, bake for 15 minutes and check for doneness before removing from the oven.

I've been feeding my appetite for all things Brazilian with the following amazing blogs, which I hope you'll take a moment to visit:

  • For a real-life Brazilipino experience, visit Caroline at When Adobo Met Feijoada - the true food adventures of a Filipina married to a Brazilian.
  • Before she repatriated back to the US, Lori at Fake Food Free gave us a delicious glimpse of living and eating in Brazil, so check out her archives for some wonderful information.
  • Although she's not posting as often as I wish, Cris at From Our (Brazilian) Home to Yours offers not only traditional recipes of her homeland, but also her take on many American recipes she learned while living Stateside.
  • Finally, Joan at Foodalogue recently featured Brazil in her Culinary Tour 2010 series - check out the roundup for some amazing dishes and drinks.
Bom apetite!


  1. Beautiful comparison. When you take that trip, you'll come back with so many bits of inspiration for your food. This coconut and crab bake sounds like creamy goodness!

  2. Feijoada, caipirinha mmm wonderful treats coming from my neighbor!

    First time I see a symmetry between Brazil and the Philippines, very interesting concept!

    Really bom appetite :)



  3. Interesting. I'd love to visit Brazil someday. Now, I'm craving crab again. Yum!!!

  4. I love Brazil's cuisine too and really wish I could come along with my husband next time he goes (at least he'll be taking us to Ireland this summer). The crab bake looks heavenly! I'm off to the store tomorrow to get some crabmeat and make this!

  5. Oh the dishes look so good and your writing is always a good read!

    I got invited to Brasil this month for a friends birthday, but I could not go, so I will be excited to read your experiences!

    We are going to Spain later this year...

  6. I need to visit Brazil, I really do! I can't pronounce it right so I'll just call it crab bake and it looks scrumptious!!!
    I was researching on feijoada a few days ago, but got turned off by all the meat in just seemed expensive to make! But delicious, for sure!

  7. Oh my, you've really outdid yourself this time! Brazilipino -- I love it! You've made lots of points about both countries. You know even some of our food are similar to Brazilian ones, like yema/brigadeiro, leche flan/pudim de leite condensada. That frigideira is similar to a dish my MIL makes all the time but she uses shrimp, I'm gonna make your recipe for her. Oh, I am so honored to be mentioned in your post. Thanks so much!!

  8. Brazilipino I like it. You've got a fantastic comparison there of brazil and the philippines. It's like me growing up in Australia but sometimes I still very Filipino. I'm a Auslipino ahahah..

  9. Beautiful writing. I must admit I find it hard to pronounce the two recipes you shared. :) But the writeup is very interesting and fascinating.

  10. I've never been to Brazil, the crab dish looks really amazing.

  11. That dish sounds really tasty! Too bad I'm not still at my last job I could have sent you lots of Brazilian music to get you in the mood

  12. Looks great! I love Brazilian food. My girlfriend and I used to affectionately call our old neighborhood "Little Rio" due to the large Brazilian population. Which was great since that meant Brazilian markets and restaurants. All kinds of fun stuff there.

  13. What a wonderful post! My husband, too, spent time in Brazil and his stories have me longing to visit some day. Caipirinha's are one of our favorite summertime drinks - and your take on it looks equally delicious. I love the crab bake as well - the colors are amazing!

  14. You had me at crab. This sounds amazing. It's extremely interesting learning about dishes and how they got their names and so on.

  15. Fascinating read! Can't wait to try cachaca - I can imagine it being quite the 'elixir'. I still remember the couple times my mother gave me sugarcane when I was a child - I chewed and sucked on those sugarcane pieces till there wasn't a drop of juice left! Your Bahian crab bake looks fantastic - all my favorite flavors in one. I don't have any suggestions other than making the best of the soft texture and turning it into a luxurious crab dip :)

  16. All I can say is YUM! The crab dish looks amazing and I'll take a couple of caipirinha's to go with it :)

  17. Wow! In addition to a tasty crab dish, I forgot about the 35 degree day outside while reading this post. Thank you for the daydreams of sandy beaches and warm breezes.
    I love the coconut milk and red pepper flakes in this. The ratio of eggs to liquid (coconut milk) should pull together pretty well, so maybe a shallow dish is the answer. You could also add some ground Panko crumbs (just a few tablespoons to help bind things together.
    This quiche like dish would be fantastic with a salad, or scooped with blue corn tortilla chips...or eaten right out of the dish with a spoon--yum!

  18. I like how intermingling these cultures led to a Capinoyra! I've never tasted calamansi but would love too. The crab bake looks fantastic too!

  19. Tangled,
    You are just a woman of the WORLD! :)

  20. Tangled Noodle,
    The crab bakes looks yummy. I am going to surprise my S. American hubby with this dish someday.

  21. Obrigada, everyone!

    Duo - I am so ready to take the trip, if only finances and circumstances would cooperate! 8-) Although I'd tweak it just a bit more, this crab bake did turn out well. 8-)

    Gera - You know how close to obsessive I (as well as my husband) about visiting all over South American, including Uruguay. I may just be knocking on your door one of these days! In the meantime, preparing and eating Brazilian cuisine makes me feel closer to that goal. 8-)

    Jenn - I'm always craving carbs! Brazil is definitely on the top of my 'go-to' list.

    5 Star Foodie - I hope you do! Each time my husband went, it was on short notice but the visa process took at least a couple of weeks. I never had enough time! 8-( Please let me know if you come up with a better way of 'firming' up this dish, as tasty as it still turned out.

    Chef E - Thank you so much! I'm sorry you couldn't make it to Brazil for your friend's birthday but I hope we'll both have a chance to go some day soon! And you'd better believe that I'll be expecting some awesome posts about your Spain trip . . .

    Sophia - I am almost desperate to visit Brazil! 8-) As for feijoada, please don't give up on it - it does look like a lot of meat, but really the black beans are key. The meats are more flavoring agents - so use one link of Italian sausage, or a nice small piece of bone-in ham to simmer in the beans. Hope you'll give it a try some time!

    Caroline - I thought of you immediately as I wrote this! And you're absolutely right about the food. It is so amazing how much we share between cultures that don't seem to have any connections. If you could, please ask your MIL about malagueta peppers - the original recipe calls for them but I couldn't find in time. Any substitutes?

    Kenny T - My husband makes this regularly for us, it's even better than mojitos or margaritas. But the Filipino rum adds a bit of a twist. 8-)

    A Cupcake or Two - Auslipino is awesome! I'm actually FilCanAm - born in the Philippines, raised in Canada and now a US citizen. But the blending of multiple cultures just makes us all the more interesting, don't you think? 8-D

    Divina - Thank you so much! And no worries about pronunciation - I didn't include a guide on how to pronounce because I'm not sure that *I* am saying them right! 8-P

    Pigpigscorner - I think Brazil is going to be a top global destination in the coming years (if it isn't already). This crab bake came out delicious, despite being a softer texture.

    Kat - I should try to samba while cooking - burn calories just as I'm preparing them! 8-D

  22. Yes, I think I can see the similarities between Brazil and the Philippines now you've written such a wonderful write up! I love the crab bake - it does remind me of the stuffed crab dishes we used to have in the Philippines. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Bob - I'm jealous! Brazilian cuisine is relatively new and I've only tasted (and made) just a few dishes. You'll have to dig into your memories and perhaps share some recipes or dishes from your old neighborhood!

    ValleyWriter - Why is it that the husbands get to go to Brazil?! You, me and Natasha should just plan on going together. 8-D

    I can't wait for the weather to warm up so I'm regularly asking my husband to make Caiprinha. As for the crab bake, it turned out well but I was quite surprised that he loved it as much as he did!

    Andrea - I'd have crab more often if it weren't so darn expensive. As for dish names, it's funny how we draw a mental vision of what something is based on their name. I kept thinking 'cold' with this until I read the description about the earthenware dish and finally got the idea!

    Phyllis - Cachaça is one of the liquors where you don't realize that you're drinking alcohol until you walk into a wall! 8-) This crab bake tasted delicious even if the texture was very 'fritatta'-like, but great idea about a dip!

    Karen - Oh yes! The caipirinhas add that extra bit of spark to this dish (as they do to just about anything!) 8-D

    Table Talk - Caipirinhas and seafood always take us away somewhere warm and breezy . . .! Thank you so much for confirming that the size/shape of the casserole dish is a likely culprit in the texture. I will definitely try out a shallower container next time. Thanks also for the tip about panko - it did not occur to me at all to try a binder. Your idea about the blue corn tortilla chips sounds perfect with Phyllis' suggestion to make this into a crab dip. I need to make this again soon . . . !

    Lisa - It's too bad that calamansi doesn't seem to be available outside of California. It is more sour than lime but has an equally refreshing, tart flavor. Thanks!

    Joie - I've traveled all over the world . . . in my fantasies! One of these days, it will be a reality. Thank you, friend! 8-D

    Tuty - Thank you! Please let me know if you do decide to make it - I made some changes to the original recipe so this version is not as 'authentic' as it could be. I'd be happy to share the original with you! 8-)

  24. Hi, Trissa! Sorry about that: your comment came through while I was writing up the other replies. Thank you so much! I'm a bit reliant on already-picked crab meat and would love to try making stuffed crab one of these days. As for Brazil and the Philippines, I would happily spend all of my days in either locale! 8-)

  25. Well, this "real" Brazilian (naturalized American a few months ago) just found your blog, and thought I should say hello - or, in good Portuguese "oi!"

    Loved this post!

  26. wow what an interesting post love it and wow the crab bake looks divine, I write for an Alaskan Seafood company could I feature it and link back to you?
    rebeccasubbiah at yahoo dot com

  27. Wow - this reads like an article in a food magazine. Just lovely. I can't wait to meet you next weekend!

  28. The only connection between Thailand and Brazil that I can think of is all the eggy Portuguese desserts introduced to the court of Siam back in the 16th century.

    And the love of the beach. That's it. :)

    I am so going to make the crab dish. Just reading through the ingredient list, I already know I'm going to like it.

  29. I didn't know Tanduay was the world's second best selling rum! Thanks for the very knowledgable Filipino trivia!

  30. As both countries are taking my attention for a long time, it's great to read about them together in this post. That crab bake looks so appealing for a person of egg fan like me. wish I could try it right now, but it's not so easy to find crab meat here. But I can try it in summer when we go seaside. And half tablespoon flour may be added to make it thicker or using a shallow dish is a great solution.

  31. I became enthralled with Brazil when I took a "tour" there with Joan at Foodalogue. What a brilliant, vibrant locale. I love this crab recipe! What an amazing confluence of flavors! I made a Brazilian Seafood Stew and posted it recently @ that was out of this world. Now where to find a bottle of Cachaça? Hmmmm. Now you have me inspired to learn about the Philippines as well since what I know about it could fit in a tiny thimble!

  32. Love that Crab bake - the colours are enticing and the bowl is pretty!

  33. Tangled,
    Every time I click on your profile, that picture of your dog makes me smile. Thank you, as always, for visiting.

  34. Delicious looking crab bake (nope there's no way I can write the name, certainly can't spell it properly) :)

  35. "...but they're still leagues behind the Brazilians, who kick everyone else's molasses."

    I totally laughed out loud when I read that! I love how thorough you are in your posts, I always seem to learn something from them. I hope you do get to go to Brazil in the near future!

  36. Separated at birth or not I need to get my hands that bahian crab bake pronto. I was introduced to Cachaca many years ago and I think calamansi would be a wonderful accompaniment. Probably no chance of getting it here either. I went to Brazil in college and was held up at the airport - the customs guy didn't believe I wasn't brazilian and wondered why I refused to speak portuguese. Apparently mixed Koreans look brazilian! I'm quite sure I wasn't separated at birth, but lots of beach time, great food (and shoes), and endless freshly squeezed fruit juices made me wish that I was.

  37. SallyBR - Oi, obrigada and congratulations on your new citizenship! I'm so happy you enjoyed this post - I really do hope I'll have the opportunity to visit Brazil soon to try the cuisine for real. 8-)

    Rebecca - Thanks so much and I'd be so flattered to have you link back to this. The dish, even before the few tweaks, turned out well.

    Mardi - You're so sweet to say so! I'm so looking forward to our brunch get-together, too. 8-)

    Leela - Oh, eggy Portuguese-influnced desserts sound sooo good! That and the beach are all the connection any of us need between cultures. 8-) Hope you'll enjoy this frigideira!

    Trisha - I don't know if it's a point of pride or not, but Filipino brands of alcohol are some of the best-selling in the world (Ginebra is biggest gin in sales). I think I'd rather we be known for our food! 8-P

    Zerrin - As I understand, you can use shrimp for this and I wonder if it would also work with a light, flaky type of fish. If you decide to experiment, please let me know! Thank you for your suggestion about the flour - I will definitely try that out!

    Danielle - Yes, I remember it! I'd love it over rice. Although there's not much of a selection, I think most liquor stores have started stocking at least 1 brand of cachaça - 51 is the most common (and reasonably priced) while Leblon is more higher-end. Hope you find it! And given all the different country cuisines you're exploring, I hope you'll consider making a Filipino dish. 8-)

    Kitchen Butterfly - Thank you! And the bowl is one that I love but rarely use (don't want to mess it up!)

    Joie - He's such a cutie (but goofy and naughty in real life). Catching up on the latest so hopefully I'll be by soon to see what you are up to!

    Hornsfan - Spelling it is definitely easier than saying it out loud! I don't think I know how, either. But thank goodness, we really only need to eat it!

    Cynthia - I hope so, too! It's a huge dream for me and my husband, but we are determined. So pleased that you enjoyed the post! 8-)

    Gastroanthropologist - [LOL] That's so funny! But how cool that you could 'blend' in so easily. Now, all those reasons you've listed have become things I look forward to when we someday make it Brazil! 8-)

  38. Omg! This dish sound off the charts fabulous. Love your blog!

  39. You are too much! This is such an amazing post. I learned more reading this than I did studying all day! Can't wait to try the Frigideira de Siri...yum!

  40. I have not had a good Caipirinha in some time. You make it look so inviting & the Crab bake looks killer! True yumminess! Also, each time I see your icon with your pup holding the bone on the nose I keep remembering how many times I have attempted the same trick with my dog Molly. She does not have the patience to pull it off. Cute photo. Have a great day.

  41. You certainly have a way with words! I'm not sure whenever else I can use it, though ;) I love the alteration of the name, too, ha ha!
    I'm not much of a drinker, but I will have a big bit of that crab bake!! Yum!

  42. I love your comparison post! The first thing I noticed was that gorgeous serving dish. Beautiful. I have to say that we enjoyed the dishes we got from the coast or that were inspired by areas such as Bahia the most while there. They were few and far between (so much red meat in the south!), but delicious.

    I enjoyed your Lent section the most. From our experiences it is all about Carnaval there and not much about Lent and Easter. This was just our experience where we lived. We were amazed that in such a Catholic country no one seemed to give up meat on Friday and Easter morning was our most disappointing celebration there. Since we are accustomed to all this being Catholic in the States we were expecting so much more. However, I do know in places of the North, Lent and Easter and not just Carnaval are much bigger deals.

    Thanks for the mention! Pink Bites and Chef Wanabe are great food blogs by Brazilians living in the States if you haven't checked them out yet.

  43. Tangle Noodle, lovely writing...I could not possible write so well about Brasil in spite of growing there ;-)
    We still have 2 bottles of 51, that we brought back from Brasil last year, therefore will definitely try Mr Tangle Noodle version of caipirinha. The crab dish that you featured sure brings me so much memories of my childhood...

  44. This recipe and drink looks scrumptious!

  45. Can you grow your own calamansi in Minnesota or is the climate too cold there? I know a couple folks who have the trees in this area. In fact, a local Filipino-American chef used to get a load of them from one of these lucky growers, and used to use them at his San Francisco restaurant. I love the flavor of them. I think one of the best ways I've enjoyed it was in a sorbet. So refreshing.

  46. Tangled,
    Thank you, as always, for visiting. I saw your post on Twitter last night about your blog writing block. Don't worry! We'll be here when you do get inspiration. :)

  47. Thanks for all the new comments!

    Kathleen - Thank you! This is definitely a dish for seafood lovers. 8-)

    Stacy - Thanks! Dry facts are not much fun on their own, but paired with refreshing drinks and a serving of seafood, it's a whole 'nother story!

    Dee - It took a little while to train him but he was determined to earn that cookie! Hope you can go ahead and indulge in a caipirinha soon. 8-D

  48. Darn, I hit the submit button before I finished replying . . .

    Manggy - Thank you! The crab bake was tasty and although you may not be much of a drinker, I hope you'll consider this cocktail whenever you do indulge. 8-D

    Lori - Thanks! The serving dish is all-American: I bought it at a student art fair and I so rarely use it. You know how much I'd love to try more Brazilian cuisine (I still remember your post about that meat-fest you went to!)

    As for Lent, your comment confirmed what my husband told me about it - he was in Salvador just a few days before Carnaval kicked off and was in Brasilia during the festivities. He noticed the same thing.

    And thank you for the blog suggestions! Until I actually experience the culture firsthand, I'll enjoy it vicariously. 8-)

    Juliana - Obrigada, amiga! I can never say it enough: I would LOVE to visit Brazil some day soon. My husband brought back aged cachaça after his last trip; he said the really good stuff stays in Brazil and isn't exported to the US! 8-D I'm so happy that the dish brings back happy memories - I wish I could have made it more authentic with malagueta peppers . . . perhaps next time.

    Sarah - Just had the drink this evening again! I'd better tell the husband to pace it with the Tanduay - a trip to the Philippines to re-stock is not on the horizon any time soon! 8-)

    Carolyn - Unfortunately, it takes every once of my husband's natural green-thumb powers to keep the few tropical-ish plants alive indoors over the winter. We don't even attempt a fruit tree (I can't even keep hardy herbs like rosemary going). The only viable solution is to move to California . . .

    I actually made a calamansi sorbet last summer but had to resort to frozen concentrate. Still, it was as you say so refreshing!

    Joie - Thank you so much for the encouragement. The block is budging ever so slightly. I have a tendency to overthink what I'm going to write and it can be tiring. But, a relaxing weekend always gets me back on track!

  49. Ah, the caipirinha is a favorite drink and yes we do use , Cachaca 51 which came highly recommended by the owner of the Brazilian restaurant we frequent.

  50. Look at me, late to the party again - or should that be carnaval!

    Intriguing comparison between the 2 countries I must say. I have a fondness for Brazil myself, though I've only visited there briefly - having had a few days in Rio once - but I do have one Brazilian SIL and soon to have a second, so Brazil is in the family :) I also have a fondness for black beans, which I was introduced to by my SIL but right now I would be very happy to have a big slice of that bake and a nice refreshing caipinoyra...

  51. Yay! New comments!

    Veron - Isn't it a lovely drink? We didn't know that Cachaça 51 was the appropriate brand - we picked it up because it was the only other one available (aside from Leblon, which is pricier). Now, my husband makes sure there's always a bottle available . . .

    Daily Spud - You're practically Brazilian!! 8-D Black beans are one of Mr. Noodles favorites. He asks for some version of it once a week and that is no exaggeration. The crab bake was definitely a treat but I must say I have a soft spot for the cocktail - I strongly suggest you avail yourself of one as soon as possible! 8-)

  52. I love this comparison! Let's not forget capoeira and Filipino martial arts and how similar they are. :) (My little boy practices capoeira and he's a natural!)
    I will have to try this creative mashup dish. :)

  53. Oh dear and just now I had a chance to read this beautiful post! E você tem uma amiga aqui sempre! I love all these dishes you featured here, in fact, I had feijoada and caipirinha today for Easter! beijos!


Thank you so much for reading my post! I truly appreciate any and all comments; however, my apologies if it takes me a few days to respond. I promise that I do read them and will reply as soon as possible.