
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Eating Your Words: 2010 Edition!

Do your waffles whisper to you? Or does the arugula like to argue? A great dish can speak for itself, so why not let it do all the talking!

It is with great pleasure that I am joining Jennifer of Savor The Thyme to announce the return of Eating Your Words. Last year, we had a great response to our inaugural challenge, resulting in some marvelously edible messages that you can view here:

If these entries have you feeling inspired (if not hungry!) then head into the kitchen and let your food do the talking. To enter, use fruits, vegetables, noodles, milk coffee or just about any food and beverage to spell out a message, then take a photo, write a post and e-mail us about it. 

This year, we will choose at least one winner whose creative foodstuff speaks loud and clear to us! As for the prize, there is the awe and admiration of an adoring public . . . but we do have something else in the works. For now, we're going to keep you in a state of suspense, so stay tuned for the prize announcement!

The details:

1. 'Write, spell or draw' using food or drink, and create a blog post about it from now (the date of this post) until midnight on Wednesday, March 31st. We will accept any previous blog posts you may already have where you've created a 'written'-inspired dish or drink.

2. Blog about your creation, including photos, and add a link back to Savor the Thyme ( and Tangled Noodle ( If you'd like, feel free to grab the badge below and place it in your post!

3. Send an e-mail titled 'Eating Your Words 2010'  with the following information to
  • Your name
  • The name of your blog
  • The name of your dish or drink
  • The link to your blog entry and a photograph of the dish or drink
  • Entries must be received by midnight March 31, 2010
You can still participate even if you don't have a blog at all. Simply e-mail the above information minus the blog details and we'll include it in the round up.

4. Please keep it clean! Appropriate humor is always welcome.

All entries will be posted on both blogs in the first week of April. 
Now, start creating!

Piped Butter Cookies
(from A Baker's Videoblog)

To get us started, here's a little something I baked up today: Piped Butter Cookies! The recipe comes from the blog A Baker's Videoblog and yields crispy, buttery delights. There's a video tutorial showing how to pipe out the cookie dough - simple enough, unless you happen to be missing the appropriate-sized piping tip, like me. I'll spare you the expletive-laden details and just say that I managed well enough. 

Click here for the complete recipe.


  1. Cute idea! I will try to participate. :)

  2. I will definitely try to participate! What a cute idea!

  3. I can not wait to see what all the amazing bloggers come up with! I forsee many evening calls and giggles

  4. Adorable! Want to give this a try. Hmm ,.. What to make??

  5. I love these butter cookies (Spritz cookies) out of the tin, so I've no doubt I'd love them more without the aluminum taste. Excited to hear about your prize.. (Hope I can make something.)

  6. Cool! I will so need my daughter's help again :) Luckily she's more creative than ever.

  7. Ok, I'm definitely doing it this year. I meant to last year, but I'm terrible at remembering to do these things. I'm going to write myself a note and stick it to my moniter. Heh.

  8. Oooo...I've got to try and enter this year!!! Time to start up the hamster wheel called my brain to come up with something. :)

  9. These are adorable! They looks too delicious to eat! I can't wait to see what this year's challenge brings.

  10. This is both creative and delicious at the same time! Maybe if I have the time I'll try and join in... I'd have to rack my brains first and squeeze my creative juices out!

  11. This looks like a lot of fun! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. Off to put my thinking cap on...

  12. This is a really cool idea...and I love your version of eating your words!

  13. What a novel idea! I hope I could join... I'm already brainstorming as I write this comment...
    If not, I'll just be excited to see the participants' creative ideas... can't wait!
    BTW thanks for all the support... truly appreciate it...♥♥♥... happy sunday!

  14. What fun! This is all new to me but I love it! And those piped cookies look great--perfect for dipping in coffee or tea, yes? My mind's racing with ideas...thanks for the fun inspiration.

  15. Wow! Thank you all for your enthusiasm about EYWII!

    Sarah - I hope you will! Would love to have one of your beautiful photographs gracing our blogs!

    Joie - Have your boys join in! I bet they'll have a word or two for us . . . 8-)

    Mardi - Please do! Last year's entries ranged from a single letter to a full blown video!

    Jennifer - This is going to be a great event . . .!

    (Oh, I'm going to us up my monthly allotment of exclamation points!! 8-P)

    Unplanned Cooking - Thank you and yes, please do! Bring in the little ones to help - it's a fun event for all ages (and foods)!

    Manggy - I actually have a spritz-thingy (I mean, 'cookie press') but had to pipe out my letters. Sorry to keep everyone in suspense but we're working on the prize - last year, we felt badly about not having one to offer.

    5 Star Foodie - Yay! Your 'message in a cocoa' last year was so sweet. Can't wait to see what the 5 Star mother-daughter duo will come up with!

    Bob - Excellent! We'd love to see a creation from you.

    Jenn - I have no doubt you'll come up with something incredibly creative!

    Trissa - Me, too! Last year's entries were great - almost too good to eat. As for these cookies, the butter cookie alphabet is steadily being consumed by the husband . . .

    Trisha - Rack and squeeze away! We'd love to have you participate.

    ValleyWriter - Great! Hopefully, we've given everyone enough time to create. We're looking forward to seeing it all!

    HoneyB -Thank you! The best part is that it is quite literally delicious. 8-)

    Malou - Happy Sunday! Can't wait to see who wins that gorgeous bunch of calamansi. And no pressure - we'd love to have you join in if it works out!

    Pigpigscorner - It is great fun! Can't believe we get to play with our food like this. 8-)

    Megan - Thank you! The cookie recipe is fantastic and so incredibly easy, if you don't count how hand-crampingly-tough it was to pipe out the dough with a too-small tip. 8-) But I persevered and they are indeed perfect for dipping! Would love to have you join in the fun of EYWII.

    Chow and Chatter - It's so fun! Hope you'll consider jumping in!

  16. Imagine finding this much fun on my first visit here?!!!

    I'm a writer and foodie, so I can't wait to write something with food.

  17. i need some inspiration... hopefully before closing date!

  18. This sounds like a great and fun idea. I just popped over from Mardi's blog reading the post about Hell's Kitchen. It looks like you gals had some great food!

  19. This sounds like a lot of fun, and your cookies look great! (I never have the right piping tip either!)

  20. Yay! So glad you guys are doing this again, I had so much fun with it last year!

    Wow, I'm impressed with those piped butter cookies, Noodle. Great idea!

    I'm putting on my thinking tiara ... looking forward to it! :)

  21. Lovely idea...cute butter cookies :-)

  22. Super cute idea! I have to go away and think about this. It wil be fun!

  23. I remember this last year so I am so glad I got an In on this year's round-up! ^_^

  24. Uh-oh. Time to get creative again. ;) What to say, what to say...

  25. What an awesome challenge. Those cookies look delicious. Now I have think about what would be good to make.

  26. This sounds fun! :)

    And I heart the idea of the pipping cookies!

  27. I love this idea! Will have to see what I can come up with (happy I didn't miss the deadline).

  28. wow, that is a really creative challenge! it's so neat to see food spelled out as words. how fun! we'll have to see if we can come up with something to spell out.

  29. Jeez, is it a year since Eating Your Words already? Last time out I only gave you one letter - this year I might have to stretch to a few more :)

  30. Fantastic roundup coming of edible words…the words looks delicious, it seems odd the last sentence, isn’t it?
    Masterpieces of the edible literature and the piped butter cookies too ;-)



  31. Ha! What an awesome idea! I love it!

  32. This was so fun! Make sure you go a see the video I did last year. I hope I can do something equally zany this year! GREG

  33. You can have your words and eat it too!!

  34. These cookies are to die for! I would give anything to have a few! I love your play on words!
    This round-up would be a blast to do!

  35. Those cookies look great, thanks for the recipe link!

  36. Thank you all for the new comments! I hope you'll consider joining us in the fun!

    Laurie - Hi and welcome! So glad that you're first visit here was right at the start of this event. Please come back to find out our prize - it's going to be great and we'd love to have you join!

    Beancounter - I'm hoping! It would be great to have you join in - please check back to find out what our prize is!

    Fresh Local and Best - It was such a marvelous time with Mardi; she is absolutely wonderful! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll consider joining us for this challenge. 8-)

    Lisa - Thank you! The contest was fun last year and I think we'll have another great turnout. As for those darn piping tips, I always talk myself out of buying a kit of different shapes and sizes, even when I have a handy coupon. Grrr . . . this should teach me a lesson. I'm going to get them . . .

    Diva - Last year's contest was where I first 'met' you!! 8-D Wish I could take credit for piping the cookies but it was all from AsianBakes - I just wished I had the right-size tips: it was hard squeezing out that dough through the smaller tips! Now, get that tiara going - we've got a great prize to offer!

    Kat - I hope you'll consider joining!

    Mariana - Thank you! It's a lot of fun - do come back and check it out. 8-)

    Juliana - Thanks! I must say that it was much easier to eat the cookies than it was to pipe them out. But I'm pleased they turned out so well!

    Penny - Yay! We'd love to see what you come up with.

    Rachel J - Woohoo! Looking forward to your entry - it'll be a lot of fun!

    Lori - Your Be Healthy granola last year was great! I have no doubt that you'll come up with something equally awesome. 8-)

    A Cupcake or Two - We'd love to have you join us! We'll be announcing the prize very soon. 8-)

    Anh - It's great fun, so please consider joining in! The piped cookies turned out very well - next time, I'll try different shapes (or try to improve my 'penmanship'!)

    Table Talk - There's still plenty of time, so take your time and have fun. Please come back for our prize announcement soon!

    Krissy - It's amazing what people come up with! I do hope you'll participate, too. 8-)

    Daily Spud - [LOL] A whole word would be awesome! 8-D

    Gera - Thank you! And many thanks for supporting this event with your tweets!

    Teanna - Thanks! Now, I know you could come up with something totally unique for this . . .!

    Greg - We still talk about your video from last year! It would be fantastic if you joined us again! 8-)

    Maya - Exactly!! I'm slowly eating through these piped butter cookies, for instance . . . !

    Nazarina - Thank you! The cookies are light, crispy and absolutely delicious. Please do come and join us in this event!

    Patty - They taste even better than they look! I do hope you give them a try - I was so lucky to find such a tasty and simple recipe. 8-)

  37. How fun--I remember seeing this last year. Hopefully I can get it together this year to enter.

    Your cookies look crisp and delicious!

  38. Debinhawaii - I do hope you'll enter! Have you seen the prize announcement? It's an aebleskiver pan and we will ship anywhere! As for the cookies, they turned out really well although uneven piping let to some letters being crispier than others. Thank you!

  39. This is a neat idea. Can't wait to participate.

  40. Although the cookies expanded during baking, they managed to keep their piped shapes. They tasted quite ‘crunchy’ and yet melted in the mouth. They’re buttery and not too sweet.


Thank you so much for reading my post! I truly appreciate any and all comments; however, my apologies if it takes me a few days to respond. I promise that I do read them and will reply as soon as possible.