
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Eating You Words 2010 Challenge: The Judge!

It had to be done.

As you know, Jennifer at Savor The Thyme and I are very pleased to offer a fantastic no-kitchen-should-be-without-one prize for this year's Eating Your Words challenge - a beautiful æbleskiver pan, courtesy of Aunt Else's Æbleskiver. However, this means that there must be one winner, which in turn means that someone has to choose said winner. While you may rest assured that my co-host Jennifer is the picture of unimpeachable integrity, I, on the other hand, am easily bribed with pancakes.

So, we felt it best to ask another person to be our guest judge - someone who could objectively evaluate and appreciate the creativity we were certain to see in the contest entries. Someone whose own approach to food is famously all about adventure, enthusiasm and a sense of fun. Someone who is a respected chef and food writer, and is the co-creator and host of one of the most popular food shows on television. Someone whom I wasn't terribly confident would notice our humble little event . . . until he actually said 'Yes'.

Watch Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern in the Philippines!

How excited are we about Chef Zimmern's participation? Hmmm, let's see: our guest judge for Eating Your Words 2010 is also slated to be a guest judge on Bravo's Top Chef Masters, Season Two . . .  We. Are. Excited.

Jennifer and I hope that you will join us for this lively challenge and the chance to be chosen by Andrew Zimmern as the winner of a lovely Aunt Else's Æbleskiver pan. And to our global blogger friends: international entries are totally eligible!

To help stir your imagination and provide a spark of inspiration, take a look at some of last year's entries:

'Mangia' from Cassi at Foodie with Little Thyme

'Rainbow' & 'Spring' Hot Cocoa from Natasha at 5 Star Foodie

'Why So Blue' from Heather at Girlichef

'Because a Can can Can-Can' from Greg at Sippity Sup

To see more, please check out Eating Your Words 2009 Roundup Part I and Part II.

It's that easy and that fun! So, what are you waiting for? Head into the kitchen and let your food do the talking . . .

To enter:

1. 'Write, spell or draw' using food or drink, and create a blog post about it until midnight on Wednesday, March 31st. We will accept any previous blog posts you may already have where you've created a 'written'-inspired dish or drink.

2. Blog about your creation, including photos, and add a link back to Savor the Thyme ( and Tangled Noodle ( If you'd like, feel free to grab the badge below and place it in your post!

3. Send an e-mail titled 'Eating Your Words 2010'  with the following information to
  • Your name
  • The name of your blog
  • The name of your dish or drink
  • The link to your blog entry and a photograph of the dish or drink
  • Entries must be received by midnight March 31, 2010
You can still participate even if you don't have a blog at all. Simply e-mail the above information minus the blog details and we'll include it in the round up.

4. Please keep it clean! Appropriate humor is always welcome.

International entries are eligible for the prize!

If you're on Twitter, please feel free to tweet about the challenge using the hashtag #eatingyourwords.

All entries must be received by midnight, March 31st. Depending on the number of entries we receive, Jennifer and I will choose finalists, from which we will ask Chef Zimmern to pick the winning entry. A round-up of all entries and the announcement of a winner will be posted within one week of the deadline.

Good Luck and Have Fun!


  1. SOOO COOL! I need to get the brain working on this one so I can post by 3-31-10 ^_^

  2. Awesome! I was planning on joining anyway. But this makes it even more fun!

  3. Now the pressure is really on! Very exciting!

  4. OMG... now i really have to think hard...inspiration has been evading me lately but now it gets closer and more exciting maybe I could get on board and participate!

  5. Hi, this is my 1st time here, still consider whether to join this cute contest! Anyway, will drop by more often.

  6. Congrats! I love him and his show, although I could honestly say that I would not have the stomach to eat some of the things he does :)

  7. love this idea, and great to include international folks

  8. Oh snap!!! now I really need to get crackin on my entry!!! That's so cool.

  9. This is really cool... never done it before (unless you count decorating a cake with icing)... will do my best to be creative!

  10. Cool event and what a big honor to have Zimmern to decide the winner!

    Have a great week,


  11. oh WOW! Now i'm even a bigger fan! Thanks TN and Jennifer for organising this!

    Now, i really have to get inspired!

  12. How very exciting!!! Zimmern will be a perfect guest judge!

    BTW, I have given you an award - I can't tell you how much I find your blog inspiring! You can read what I wrote about you and my other favorite food bloggers here:

  13. This sounds SO cool! I need to start brainstorming!! :)

  14. You have really upped the game here! Wow. I always figured TN to hobnob with the stars and here is the proof! GREG

  15. How FUN!!! I love it! I will get to work now!


  16. SHUT UP! (And I mean that in the nicest way possible)
    Omigod I need to beef up my entry ASAP!!!

  17. I'm hoping I can think of something worthy and submit it on time!

  18. Oh. My. God. I must be calm, stop over-analysing, let the inspiration flow for my entry and try not to get freaked out in the least. Try being the operative word!

  19. This is wonderful! I hope our most recent bit of exciting news will inspire you to join in. Now, once again, I have to defer proper replies - too much corned beef, potato farls (courtesy of Daily Spud's recipe) and some, ahem, adult beverages have rendered me sleepy. Will be back tomorrow!

  20. Wow, Andrew Z? Amazing. I remember wishing I had been joining in the fun last year. I was all wrapped up in our move back from Mexico & so now I have had a entire year to think about this...I hope my words are enough!!

  21. Part of me still can't believe he agreed! Woo-hoo!

    Rachel J - No pressure, promise! But we'd love to have your participation. There's a full 2 weeks left so take your time . . . 8-)

    Leela - Fantastic! I can't wait to see what you'll create.

    5 Star Foodie - Between you and your daughter, I know this will be a snap! 8-)

    Malou - [LOL] There's still plenty of time left - check out last year's entries. Nothing fancy is needed - just have fun!

    Kelsey B - I hope you'll consider joining!

    Sonia - Welcome and I hope you will join us! It's fun and we're so happy to be able to make everyone eligible for the prize, regardless of where in the world you are! 8-)

    Sarah - [LOL] I know what you mean! We actually went to the same restaurant in the Philippines that he featured but we didn't have enough nerve to try the grubs he ate! 8-)

    Rebecca - I've talked to so many international blogger-friends who are so disappointed about not being eligible for prizes. We're so happy to be one of the few exceptions! 8-)

    Jenn - That's right, girl! But I have no doubt you'll come up with something fantastic. 8-)

    Joie de Vivre - [Blushing] You are so sweet! And by the time I got around to replying here, you've already entered - thank you so much!!

    Nour - Decorating a cake with icing would be perfectly fine! We tried not to make too many rules because we want everyone to just have fun with it. Please do consider joining in - we'd love to have your participation! 8-)

    Gera - Thank you! We are so thrilled that he accepted our invitation.

    Beancounter - Yay! We'd love to see you jump in to this one! The aebleskiver pan is so worth giving it a try . . . !

    Liren - We're so excited that he'll be the guest judge! Thank you so much for sharing the award and it means a lot that you enjoy my blog. Come and join us, okay? 8-D

    Erin - Woohoo! Get that brain storming and jump in the fun! 8-)

    Greg - Not quite hobnobbing; apparently, though, I can make a fairly convincing appeal! 8-) You set the high bar last year, so we can't wait to see what you've got in store this time!

    MaryMoh - It is, and very fun, too!

    Eric Ackerson - Yay! We'd love to have your entry - perhaps one of your upcoming national dishes might lend itself to something here? 8-D

    Phyllis - It's crazy, isn't it?! But no pressure - we'd love any entry you decide to share with us (maybe Kris will have his own entry?)

    Sook - It's definitely cool fun! Hope you'll consider entering! 8-)

    Lisa - Oh, please do! We'd love to have an entry from you!!

    Spud - [LOL] I've been on hyperventilate mode for several days, not quite believing that Chef Zimmern accepted our invitation! There's still 2 weeks - plenty of time so no pressure but we'd love to 'C' another entry from you! 8-D

    Dee - Yay! I'm so happy that you've got something in mind! Of course your words are enough - we'd love to 'hear' what your food is going to say. Perhaps it's bi-lingual? En español? (I'm studying beginner Spanish - I don't think I'm doing well yet).

  22. How cool! I shall put my thinking cap on!

  23. Thanks for visiting Tangled! *Hugs* and BTW, you ARE the coolest!

  24. Dear,
    First time here. Glad that I stopped by since I am all excited to participate in the contest.
    Speaking of contests, Would you be interested in participating in a giveaway at my space? Check my latest post for details.

  25. Congratulations!!!! I am so impressed with the two of you cooking this up together! I need to get organised and hopefully get an entry in - the next week is a bit crazy but hopefully I will find the time!

  26. This is so fun and interesting!

  27. Olá, amiga!
    Conheci seu cantinho... amei!!!
    Seu catinho está
    lindo, criativo, nutritivo e delicioso...
    Belas fotos dos pratos!
    Você é muito talentosa!...
    Bom domingo! Boa semana!
    Itabira - Brasil

  28. Not sure who or what to be more excited about - the pan or the judge. :) I'm having some creativity block that I really hope clears by the 31st!

  29. It's so much fun and challenge! :)

  30. I almost forgot about this! And I really want to participate. I actually wrote myself a note to think about writing with food.

    Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. So much fun.

  31. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

    Cinnamon-Girl: We would love to have an entry from you!

    Joie - Sweet! Hope you had a lovely weekend. 8-)

    Cool Lassi(e) - Loved your pesto recipe but the rainbow cupcakes were even more awesome! Thanks so much for visiting and I certainly hope you will join in our challenge!

    Gaga - It is great fun! Please join us or come back to see the entries. 8-)

    Mardi - We would love to see you join in but totally understand busy schedules. In the meantime, I'll content myself with your lovely spring fling macarons!

    Anncoo - Last year's event yielded some creative and delicious entries. Please consider entering, too!

    Magia da Inês - Obrigada! I wish I could reply properly in Portuguese, but I appreciate your kind words. How about joining us for all the fun? 8-)

    Lori - I'm so excited that we're able to offer such a great prize and Chef Zimmern is the cherry on top! A creative block can be so frustrating but I hope something will spark! Your participation last year was so appreciated and we'd love to have you back again. 8-)

    Christine - It does seem challenging at first but just let your imagination run wild and have fun! Please consider entering, too!

    Laurie - Oh, no! I should do a better job of reminding everyone. There's 10 solid days left before the deadline - hope it's plenty of time for you to enter! 8-)

  32. Andrew is amazing. We love him in Australia. Bizarre foods is such a great show. I hope I get time to participate. Now I have to think about what to make.

  33. This is fun!!!I have to think about something soon!Nice idea.

  34. Oh, wow! That was really nice of him. Can't wait to see the entries!

  35. Oh-Em-Gee! That's awesome that you have Andrew Zimmerman as a judge! That guy is AWESOME! I love watching him eat! (and his bald head) lol.

  36. One more week left!

    Cupcake or Two - We're so happy that our international friends can join in! Hope you'll have an entry - then you could possibly have bragging rights if Zimmern chooses you as winner! 8-)

    Erica - Thank and we'd love to have your participation!

    Manggy - I was so thrilled when he accepted! We've received some great entries but know there's more 'messages' out there!

    Krissy - He's a perfect choice since his approach to food is so fun and adventurous! Come back to see whom he picks!

  37. I know who to vote for.... once I see it up here! GREEEEEEEEEAT IDEA and oh can't believe you have such a celebrity judge in the panel!

  38. I jus found u awesome guys now:-(((( ...wish i had earlier and had the time to work on some goodies.....but am still going to be a part of the challenge coz i sure dont wanna wait a whole year....
    thanx for bringing us this awesome world:-))))

  39. And jus like every body ,im super excited about the prize and the fantastic cherry do...Andrew Rocks and so do u.....

  40. AM bursting wih ideas and close to ur deadline....have to wait a year havent i......tickled pink with thejoys of spring does creative ...though at the wrong time :-))))


Thank you so much for reading my post! I truly appreciate any and all comments; however, my apologies if it takes me a few days to respond. I promise that I do read them and will reply as soon as possible.