A 'thanks'-cake for Spryte
With earnest apologies to fellow blogger Spryte for being so tardy, I am finally acknowledging the double awards she so generously bestowed on me several weeks ago. Fortunately, there's no deadline on how long a recipient can be remiss in showing her appreciation for her peer's thoughtfulness before the recognition is yanked for gross ingratitude. So without further delay, I dedicate my Sunday breakfast pancake to Spryte, with a late but very sincere 'thanks' - backward 'S' and all!

For those who have yet to visit her, Spryte's Place is a veritable haven of homecooking, from classic Coq au Vin to tender Kalua Pua'a (pulled pork) to Nana's Whoopie Pies. A blog that can offer everything from French cuisine to Hawai'ian luau to chocolate-and-marshmallow heaven is a site worth visiting again and again. I hope that you'll stop by and check out Spryte's delicious creations for yourself!

I'm deeply flattered to have received these awards, which were accompanied by guidelines - chiefly, that the recipient will pass them to 10 other noteworthy blogs. At the risk of disqualifying myself, I would like instead to extend them to all of you who devote such effort and creativity to your own sites and yet have taken the time to visit and support mine.
I will be updating my space to reflect the many wonderful blogs that deserve recognition for offering delectable recipes, beautiful photography, thoughtful insight and opinions, and constant inspiration. Most of these were found as I meandered through the food blogosphere, clicking on interesting links that led to another, then another and another . . . So please visit the sites already on my front page and on the ever-growing list of blogs I follow. I hope that they will lead you to discover new foods, new techniques, and new friends!
That is one very special pancake! There is indeed a bewildering amount of good stuff out there in the food blogosphere. I know I only get to a small fraction of it. Even as I write this, I have spotted, via your blog sidebar, another post that I must go and check out. I'd best be off... :)
Sweet post indeed, and congratulation on your awards!
Awwweee...that is so cute, and perfect lettering, you ARE talented girl! I want a kitty cake :)...my daughter loved cats so I think of them often!
OMG!! Thank you so much!!! I've never received thank you pancakes before!!
You are the sweetest!!!
Daily Spud - Thank you! I'm constantly finding new blogs to check out, the most recent being onlinepastrychef (thanks for the link to her Kitchen Creativity post). Happy blog-searching!
Elra - Thank you!
Chef E - Thanks, although I didn't realize the letter 'S' was backward until I posted. 8-) I need to work on my batter-letters!
Spryte - You are so welcome! I wanted to do something extra special since you gave me TWO awards and it took so long for me to thank you properly. Next Sunday breakfast, I'm making that fried rice!
How sweet of you to make a thank-u pancake!!
Congratz on your awards! Awesome pancake. :)
Congrats on your award...by the way the pancakes are soooo cute!
Reeni - I had fun making and eating it!
Bob - Thank you! I am Pancake Girl so I will grab any excuse to have some.
Chef d - Thanks! I actually tried to make the letters embedded in the 'cakes but it didn't work out quite as I'd originally planned.
awww...this is such a thoughtful gesture! :o0 So sweet of you... and the pancakes are so cute,never mind the inverted S :o)
Congrats! The thank you pancake is so cute!
Jescel and Pigpigscorner - Thank you! I had a few of letters that didn't look quite as good but they were delicious with butter and maple syrupe! 8-)
hello there tangled noodle! How did you do the pancake lettering? Was it free form or did you use a mould? I think that pancake alone deserves a post of its own... looks yummy too, btw...
A delicious sweet way to make a thank you! :)
Congrats for your awards!
All the best,
That is the cutest pancake I think I've ever seen! I love the letters, especially the backwards "s"
Beancounter - Thanks! I used a turkey baster to form the letters!! I was to lazy to pull out my piping tips and bag and just grabbed the baster. The first set of letters, I wrote out as normal, forgetting that if I wanted the nice, toasted side I'd need to do them in reverse. But I did eat all of my mistakes! 8-) Also, I used a pancake mix but I substituted 1/4 of the dry ingredients with cornmeal to give it a firmer texture and body.
Gera - Thank you! This was a fun way for me to express my gratitude. Maybe something I should keep in mind for the future. 8-)
Michele - Thanks! It was totally an error but I'm glad it worked out. I never realized how hard it was to write words and letters backwards with pancake batter!
I am in love with your creativity! I am going to start making letters with pancakes and the kids are going to love this! I am going to do this tomorrow and then post it! haha.
What a cute pancake! The letters are amazing! Congrats on your awards!
Congrats on the awards! I LOVE the pancake!!! And about your sidebar...you really need to find someone willing to open up a restaurant to serve Filipino food. Just tell them you get to design the menu and they have to cook it!! Seriously. :)
How cute is that! And very sweet of you.
Jennifer - I'd love to see photos! Imagine all the little messages. And if you come up with a better technique than using a turkey baster, please share. 8-)
5 Star - Thank you! It took me a few tries but I finally figured out how to make the letters in the reverse (except for that darn 'S'!).
ChefBliss - I have been thinking about it. It is such a missing piece in the culinary scene here. The Thai and Malaysian gov'ts actually set up programs subsidizing restaurateurs willing to open eateries in the US and other countries as a way to promote travel and tourism. That's what Filipinos need! I just finished watching Anthony Bourdain in the Philippines so I'm all worked up about it! 8-)
DuoDishes - Thank you! Perhaps next time, I'll form letters out of your 3-ways sugar cookies! 8-)
What a sweet way to say Thank You! Congrats on your awards and thanks for sharing all the new blogs. I have so many more to explore. I just need a few more hours in my day. :)
Yay, you for getting an award! You certainly deserve it--I have only recently found you, but I do so enjoy your writing style!
My attempt using a knife is posted AND you are linked and admired!
Tangled! You are so cute with your pancake! Did you do it with a turkey baster? I'm so curious. And the flipping? How did you manage that without tearing the letters?
I'll e-mail you later this week. It's time to start planning March French Fridays!
Lori - Thank you! I know exactly what you mean - I try to set aside time to look through all the new posts from the blogs I follow but then I'm constantly finding new ones! Still, it's a lot of fun and very inspiring to see the work of others.
Jenni - Thank you so much; I really appreciate it! BTW, I picked up Anderson's How to Cook without a Book at the library this weekend and I'm diligently going through it.
Jennifer - Those are great! I'm going to try out the Trader Joe's mix with the additions you suggested.
Joie de Vivre - Thanks! You got it: it was indeed a turkey baster! I just didn't feel like digging out the pastry tips and bags (early Sunday, you know!). I added 1/4 cup of cornbread mix to the pancake mix I was using to give the 'cakes more firmness (and I like the texture of cornmeal).
I'm looking forward to our Mindless Eating posts so I'll watch out for your message!
Let me know how you find "How to Cook..." It was very helpful to me in finally breaking away from the Tyranny of the Recipe :D
OPC - I definitely will! I'm already starting to think in terms of techniques although I still have a way to go. Thanks for the recommendation!
:-) I came right in to answer your question...I don't use peanut butter in the brownie itself, so you could substitute any type of candy/chocolate you wish!
I certainly will, I need to relook at all my blogs - thanks for the advice, the visits, the comments and the support - and most of all, thanks for your most amazing magazine!
Congrats on the well deserved awards!
Hey Tangled--really have a great idea for us so please email me at savorthethyme@cox.net
I'm introducing you in tomorrow's installment of French Friday. I'll e-mail you within the next day or two with a preliminary game plan!
HoneyB - Thank you! I hate to miss out on delicious recipes because of these darn allergies and intolerances!
Jacoba - Thanks for visiting: the recipes and histories on your site are wonderful!
Meg - Thank you! BTW, I have your brown rice pudding recipe on the brain - I need to make it soon or else I'll drive myself stir-crazy!
Jennifer - I'm intrigued! I'll send a message right away!
What a sweet message. Love the pancakes. Congrats on your awards..
Joie - I can't wait. This will be a lot of fun!
Donna - Thank you! They were good eating, too!
That looks funny and delicious at the same time well done.. :D
Ricardo - As the pancake says: thanks! Now you know why I like your mini-burgers on pancakes post so much!
Can you come over to my house and make me pancakes as cute as these? :)
Carolyn - I'd love to, if you'll take me cupcake-hopping with you next time! 8-)
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